

Blog Created Last post User Posts Visits
Low-Level WLD History
History pertaining to the Low-Level campaign running through the World's Largest Dungeon
 Tue 28 of Sep, 2010    Tue 31 of Mar, 2020 23:24 EDT   blacksol  3 1030
Dwarf Group History
A listing of the events that took place during the life of Dwarf Group, aptly named due to its location in Copperwell and the fact that every pc and npc to date is a dwarf.

 Sat 28 of Feb, 2009    Mon 30 of Mar, 2009 23:22 EDT   blacksol  3 2883
Orange Group History
Contains the exploits and adventures of Orange Group.
 Mon 16 of Feb, 2009    Mon 30 of Mar, 2009 23:22 EDT   blacksol  1 1042
New Warriors History
Contains the exploits and adventures of New Warriors, one of the Sycron's Challenge teams.

The following are some notes made by Matthew for his own use in tracking what happened during the campaign. Emphasis is somewhat towards Matthew's PC, Corrigan. Notes on the early challenges are very scanty, as Matthew typed them from memory, while he took better notes on later challenges and typed them up while his memories were fresher.
 Mon 16 of Feb, 2009    Tue 31 of Mar, 2020 23:38 EDT   blacksol  22 3731
Club Doom History
Contains the exploits and adventures of Club Doom, one of the Sycron's Challenge teams.
 Tue 10 of Feb, 2009    Mon 30 of Mar, 2009 23:26 EDT   pghkitten  1 961
First Group History
Contains the exploits and adventures of First Group.
 Sat 07 of Feb, 2009    Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 00:51 EST   blacksol  3 1141
Second Group History
Contains the exploits and adventures of Second Group.
 Sat 07 of Feb, 2009    Thu 04 of Mar, 2021 21:55 EST   blacksol  29 7626
General Announcements
Blog for General Announcements for Library of Highmoon.
 Sat 07 of Feb, 2009    Tue 31 of Mar, 2020 23:10 EDT   blacksol  23 2812
