Blog: General Announcements
Description: Blog for General Announcements for Library of Highmoon.
Created by blacksol on Sat 07 of Feb, 2009 23:46 EST
Last post Tue 31 of Mar, 2020 23:10 EDT
(23 Posts | 3012 Visits | Activity=2.00)
I finally got around to updating the software running LoH. You'll notice a complete revamp of the look and feel. I may change the "theme" of the site, but I'm kind of getting used to this wikipedia style.
Any complaints of the theme, please let me know.
I've gone through and fixed the ad display on the LoH. It doesn't earn much, but the hope is that it will help pay for the hosting to some degree. I do not plan on adding more than the one ad on the site.
I just updated the wiki software to 8.2 from version 5.x. I already know there's a problem with most if not all of the images. I am looking for a solution and if I am unable to find one, I will re-upload all of the images sometime in the next day or so. If you find any other problems or have any comments concerning the update, please let me know.
I spent a couple hours today searching for this feature and realized we already had it in the current system. I'll be working on setting up Hotwords (these consist of two parts, the word/phrase and the url that the word/phrase should link to) on some of the more common words used throughout the wiki/blogs/articles.
Once setup, it does mess with the wiki links already in existence so the pages affected will need modified once again.
Sorry I missed this feature when we moved to TikiWiki, but its slowly improving.
Unfortunately the previous wiki design I used no longer works with the newest version of tiki-wiki. I am primarily referring to the categorization of the wiki pages and using those categories to display links. I will be working on hard linking pages to one another as I can.
I will leave the categorization in place for reference purposes.
There's a lot of new features with the latest version of TikiWiki. Imagine going from IE 5 to IE 8. It is currently in a usable state, although I'm not happy with how everything is currently working. Some of that is due to the changes and my lack of familiarity. If there's a preference for color scheme, please let me know.
I believe there is a major issue with images currently. I'm not sure if the system knows about the existing images or not.
If anyone sees any issues, please let me know in the comments. I will continue to work on this as I can.
I am going to attempt to update the TikiWiki software package this evening. Hopefully everything goes as planned.
I'm currently seeing some unusual errors with the wiki, so far they appear related to search and page creation.
Will try to take a look at them this weekend.
Not sure what caused the problems the wiki is currently having. Its possible that I upgraded the installation without realizing it. I am currently reviewing possible themes in all available browsers (Firefox 3/3.5, IE 6/7, and Chrome). As you can see, we are currently using a theme that works half-assed (at least in Firefox 3.5).
Once I have found a theme that works across all platforms and provides the necessary features, I will let everyone know.