Blog: Dwarf Group History
Description: A listing of the events that took place during the life of Dwarf Group, aptly named due to its location in Copperwell and the fact that every pc and npc to date is a dwarf.
Created by blacksol on Sat 28 of Feb, 2009 00:26 EST
Last post Mon 30 of Mar, 2009 23:22 EDT
(3 Posts | 3048 Visits | Activity=6.00)

Book 3

From adamdavis64 at hotmail.com Tue Feb 19 08:46:48 2002

(OOC: Sorry formy long absence; I became emeshed in politics here and am only now emerging. I'll try to be more reliable from here on out).

IC: The elder dwarf nodded to Sol, and then turned his attention to Granite. "Father, I have a gift for you as well. A relic I think you will find to be of interest." He reached under his chair and extracted a small bundle wrapped in smooth cloth. Unwrapping it, he held out to Granite a peculiar device, a short, fat rod twice the thickness of a thumb and just over a foot wide, amde of smooth white stone shot with veins of gold. At one end was a tiny malachite pyramid, chased in gold; at the other, a small crystal globe. Embedded in its depths by some unknown craft....the crystal was seamless....was a tiny hourglass, crystal bound in malachite, with gold dust in the bottom of its bowl.

"This rod in an ancient device, removed from the ruins of the fallen city-state of Darkstone Forge some five hundred years ago by an expeditionary force sent to recover lost dwarven relics and lore," said the thane. "I need not tell you that Darkstone Forge once housed the largest temple of your god ever consecrated, and this item was found in an apsical chapel to the left of the Great Altar of the Book. Its purpose is unknwon, but clerics of Rorun on the expeditionary force claim they feel the power of the god pulsing strongly within it. We know only its name, which was inscribed on the pedestal which held the item in the chapel: "The Heart of Time." No myths or records the priests of Rorun have scoured have alluded to such an item or its powers." The dwarf nodded to Granite. "My clan has held the item these five hundred years, but it is little use to us or dwarvenkind resting in my treasure hall. I bequeath it, therefore, to you. May you use it well in the service of your divine mission."

Turning at last to Flood, the thane spoke again. "My young friend... please forgive my impropriety in Gifting the cleric before you. But his situation is a difficult one, and I deemed it best to honor the dead of his clan with that gift before the living." Another trunk was bourne in by the serving dwarves. "I have for you a gift as well, to welcome you and Nod Geldar into my halls." The trunk he bore was smaller than that of Sol, and less elaborate, but still fine: crafted of creamy green stone and bound in brass, its three dwarvenlocks gleamed in the torchlight. The thane spoke the words of Gifting as he had to Sol, unlocked the trunk, and handed the keys to Flood as the serving dwarves opened it.

Like Sol's trunk, this one held a pile of golden coins; presumably, three thousand measures, as Sol had received. Atop them rested a round helm, low and dull, of burnished gray steel. A golden bear was inlaid into its frontispeice, and a projecting bit of diamond-shaped steel guarded the wearer's nose.

"This helm was forged by my ancestor Gavron Steelbiter, son of Thelin Steelbiter," saod the thane. "It bears no magic, but has been worn with honor by warriors of my clan in seventeen great battles, and not a one lost by Copperwell. The lineage of the helm is engraved inside it in runes. I pray that you shall wear it into further victories, and it shall aid Nod Geldar as it aided us."

From justincryder at yahoo.com Sat Apr 06 18:45:37 2002

OOC: Apologies to everyone for my prolonged absence.

Flood looked upon the gifts which he had been given and bowed his head, as he felt truly humbled. He turned to the Thane and thanked him in the traditional Dwarven manner befitting of such a great gift.

From newlaz at excite.com Wed Apr 17 20:40:14 2002

Granite's eyes flash for just a moment, and he reaches out quickily, and realizes how undwarflike he is behaving, and takes control of himself and the strange magic item. As it catches in his hands it anti-flashes, sucking in the light around it, and with as little warning, it stops. A trace of a smile crosses his stern face, the years have settled in, the edges sharpen, the wrinkles deepen, and his pale yellow hair turns into a deep snowy white, the white of purity, age, and the tops of the mountains. Granite stumbles back into his chair, settling his once ample form into the stone seat. The missing pounds are far more revealed in the small amount of area his backside takes of the chair. He looks more like a gnome sitting in a dwarven chair, then a dwarven senchel attending his liege.

His short stature has always given talk to a gnome in the family line, but the line is pure, proven time and time again. Without the added wieght of plentiful eating, he is small and wirey. The scepter like magic item seems both too large for his hands, and too small. To stare at it in his hands brings a headache to the magically disinclined dwarves. Granite stands, and address the noblity.

"Thank you, it has accepted me. There are many things yet to speak of though, and time is short."

OOC Quantity vs. Quality. I think that Dwarf Group embodies that well.

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Fri Apr 26 19:29:58 2002

Sol sits in amazement as the artifact handed to Granite appears to come alive. He can not guess the awesome power this one item must hold, powerful enough to seemingly age Granite well beyond his years.

After Granite takes his seat, Sol sits pondering the implications of this one item. What affects will it have on himself? What affects will it have on the dwarven people and the world?

After pausing for a few seconds, lost in his own thought, Sol's gaze turns to Coros. "My lord, our thanks many times over for the gifts you have present to us this day. We will honor your name in their use. I pray to our Lord Shatterstriker that we may ebb the tide that has come against our people and turn the war to our favor."

After bowing his head in honor to both Lord Shatterstriker and Thane Coros, Sol continues. "Coros, I hope you will be able to help me with one more thing before we continue. I am hopeful that my cousin Belack Hammersmith and my father's seschal Veit Blackstar have arrived in Copperwell and are safe within your hold. "

OOC: The plan was for both Veit and Belack to go to Copperwell with the survivors of Dol Geldar. The Majority of these dwarves would live closely together. Coros would most likely know the general section of the hold in which they now live.

Also, the item that Granite was given (The Heart of Time) has been tentatively slated as an item of great power (i.e. able to travel through time with some restrictions/criteria to be set at a later date).

From adamdavis64 at hotmail.com Fri Apr 26 21:32:23 2002

The Thane, still recovering from the sight of Granite aging as the Heart of Time darkened the room, blinked. He had been hoping to avoid the very issue Sol now asked about directly.

"The Dol Geldar dwarves are here," he began. "They have set up temporary quarters in the Western Deep, an area long since mines out and essentially unoccupied. The city's best smiths and engineers are working hard to mkae it fit for their habitation, and helping them set up their own workshops so they may practice their crafts in accoradance with the traditions of your clan."

He closed his eyes, sighed, and continued. Honor would not let him hide what he wished not to say. "Your cousin and the senseschal arrived safely with the rest of the clan. The vassal of Tycus is aiding in the administration of Dol Geldar's wrought-passage [[OOC: A term roughly equivanlent to neighborhood]]. But your cousin...is not here." He forced hbimself to meet Sol's glance. "The Council of Thanes...deemed him unfit to stand among them, and ruled that he could not speak for Dol Geldar. In anger and shame, he left the city. I have sent tracers seeking hi, but they know not where he has gone."

*I have told him the worst...I think,* the old thane thought. *I fear the Council may have to tell him the rest...I cannot speak it...*

OOC: With regards to the Heart of Time, I like some of the ideas being tossed around about it. I know a little of its history and function, though, myself. Discovering how it works will have to come in the course of play. Suffice to say the temples of Rorun in Copperwell won't have any books on it, and the god isn't telling very easily. Give me a few days to think it through, and then we can hash out details of what it does. I want you guys to be involved in the plotting of it and I like the time travel notion, but I want to add a few caveats, and I want to keep a few secrets of the Heart concealed until such time as they are good for the plot.

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Sat Apr 27 15:31:48 2002

Looking at the Thane in shock
"My lord why did the council deem my cousin unfit to rule in my name, and when is the next council meeting to take place? I must speak to them personally.

During his speech Sol has risen from his chair. The anger is clearly shown in his eyes as he glares at Coros "Forgive my anger, my lord. This news you have brought to me just now is worst than any I have heard in the last year. The council throwing out a dwarf of clearly noble birth, but I still must speak to them at their earliest convenience."

At this time, Sol is getting an idea of what is to come from the Council. They have clearly denounced his entire family, and will probably want nothing to do with him.

From justincryder at yahoo.com Sat May 04 06:54:44 2002

The feeling of hope that had filled the room when the Heart of Time was presented to Granite had now quickly exited the room in which the four dwarves resided, replaced by feelings of shock, anger, and confusion.

The young Dwarven representative from Nod Geldar felt a little uneasy with his presence in this intensely private and emotional conversation. At times he felt inclined to speak up, but Flood remembered his place and bit his tongue. Clearly he was a fly on the wall in this conversation, but years from now when the history books would record what happened here on this day in this room, the young Dwarf would feel privileged to have witnessed this potential turning-point in Dwarven history first-hand.

From c.frankert at attbi.com Sun Dec 01 21:16:25 2002

Sol closes his eyes as he awaits Coros' response, his head slightly bowed.

The trouble has only just begun. My cousin, Belack, dishonored by the council and than leaving Copperwell. That bothers me more than anything. Belack had the coolest head in my family. It makes no sense for him to run off from a fight when he knew I would be here for this conference. I must speak to Veit before I speak to the Council. Succession for all thanedoms is now in question. The current leaders are the last thanes and kings that the dwarven people will ever see. I pray The Council see the situation we have brought upon ourselves.

Beyond that, there are those within the city that know me and possibly what remains of my family (going off of past experience with the one human who recognized Sol). I must warn Granite to stay on his toes at all times

OOC: Belack is a cleric of Deepflame, would they not be able to contact him through clerical means without trackers?

Book 2

From newlaz at excite.com Sun Dec 09 22:45:09 2001

The Follower of Rorun Ethus Keeperstone awoke in a dwarven bed, hard stone matress, and rough blanket. It is the most comfort he has had in years. A pleasure that should be savored, but there is no time for that. The Historian had sent him another vision. He rolled out of bed, and quickily dressed in his robes. His eyes were wild with the visions sent to him. A priest in Irelia had called him a mad man, but he knew the truth. Rorun Ethus Keeperstone had chosen him for his holy mission. Dwarves are on the verge.

On the verge. The brink of destruction, or the precipise of rebirth. A way of unity, or the destruction of all dwarves. There would come a High King, the likes which had never been seen. A dwarf to lead all dwarves to unity. His Face was hidden from Granite, but he would be found. Found...he needed to find Prince Sol. Grabbing the silvered weapons, the only weapons left to him he left the room.

Dwarves are a proud people, loathe to accept help from outsiders, even outsiders of thier own race. Fiercly independant, yet totally dependant on each other. The paradox that is a dwarf. Sol was the paragon of the paradox. He needed no one, but required everyone. Right now he needs his Seneschal.

Walking to the common room of the pub, he looks wildly at the dwarven bartender. His eyes narrowed.

"The male with black hair, and the look of eternal battle in his eyes, where did he go?"

The bartender backed down a step, stunned by the clarity and intensity of the cleric's eyes.

"He, he, went out with a young noble, Father."

"A young one? Ninty-five or so?"


"Blessed be to Rorun Ethus Keeperstone. History is in the making, tender. Keep your wits about you, and your loyalty to the Dwarven Race above all else."

Trembling, the barkeep nodded as the intense white bearded cleric left his pub. The barkeep scared as he was, knew in his heart that things were about to change. He was filled with pride of being a dwarf. No human, or orc would ever feel the same about his race. A brief encounter, no longer then moments, has changed the young barkeep. When the call to arms would ring out, he would take his family's war axe, and armor and fight. SO was written, so shall be done!

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Mon Dec 10 03:11:16 2001

Laz glad you found the new group :o) We'll be on our way soon enough by the looks of things. I'm not sure if you're on ICQ or not....but if you are message me next time you're
on. I may be there, I may not...but at least I'll know you're still around.

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Tue Dec 11 08:11:26 2001

Sol and Irongate finally arrive at Copperwell's capital after a few hours walk from the tavern they had both ate supper at. A guard approaches from the doors and challenges the two younger dwarves, "Halt, I need identification to let either of you come further as the Thane's court is not in session."

Sol quickly responds, "Sir, I am Prince Sol Blackstar from Dol Geldar and at my side is Flood Irongate, the representative from Nod Geldar. I believe Coros Steelbiter is awaiting my arrival and it is important that I speak to him immediately."

The guard, realizing that Sol is telling him the truth, bows to the prince. Upon standing, "If you will both follow me, I believe Thane Steelbiter has already fallen asleep. I do know that he requested a room be set aside for you Prince Blackstar, and I believe we can also put Sir Irongate up for the night as well." The guard continues, Prince Blackstar, we were informed that you would be travelling with one Granite Armstrong, is he still with you or have you two gone seperate ways?"

Sol, bowing is head slightly, "Granite and I are still together. He is resting at a tavern near the front gates of your great city. He will be along either tonight or in the morning. When he arrives, please escort him to my room."

The guard turns and waves both Sol and Flood through the front doors. He than precedes to escort them to their rooms, both of which are guarded by two stout dwarves.

The lead guard upon arriving at the rooms says, "These men are here to insure your safety sir. They have Thane Steelbiter's trust and were chosen specifically by him as he knew that you did not have a full entourage."

Sol, a bit of unease passing over his face, "Thank you for the room sir, and be sure to inform Thane Steelbiter of my arrival when he arises this morning." Sol than steps into his room after watching young Flood stumble into his own. As the main guard returns to his post, Sol shuts and locks the door to his room, afterwhich he braces his battle-axe against it making sure no one is getting in without a fight. He collaspes into bed, laying there restlessly, his mind racing with thoughts of what is to come...and questions of his own destiny.

From adamdavis64 at hotmail.com Sat Dec 15 11:46:03 2001

Coros Steelbiter awoke slowly, blinking at the stone ceiling of his personal chamber. It was tall for a dwarven sleeping room; a human could have stood comfortably here. The pillars supporting it were intricately carved with complex patterns which actually enhanced their load-bearing capacity by distributing force throughout them. The floor was covered in a rough hemp rug, a gift from a human nation to the south whose ruler had understood that a dwarf wanted a carpet that lasted for a century, not a beautiful one that wore out in a mere three decades. Coros had always admired that baron, now two
centuries dead, and the dyes which colored the hemp had only begun to fade slightly within the past thirty years.

The dwarven ruler climbed off of his sleeping slab and donned his ceremonial clothing...hard leather trousers polished until they gleamed, a thick woolen vest plated with thin copper scales, his copper hammer of office hanging from a silver belt, a domed copper helm adourned with ivory inlay, and the medallion which had been
recovered from the runins of Anhold. A heavy one of dark iron, supposedly a piece of An's True Forge on which the dwarven people had been made, the medallion was the badge of office of the de facto leader of dwarvenkind. Marked with twenty-four tiny glyphs of intricate detail...the signs of the cities which had once made up the
Dwarven Confederacy. Twenty-seven hundred years ago, two dozen city-states had dotted the dwarven lands. When he had become thane of Copperwell three hundred years ago, twelve cities belonged to the confederation. Now only seven still stood. Coros slipped the chain around his neck, wondering how many more of those glyphs would be
obsolete inside his lifetime. The iron medal felt far heavier around his neck than it should.

As Coros combed his beard, a heavy belllpull sounded outside his chamber, and a moment later Torc, his grandnephew and personal assistant, strode in. "My Thane," he said bowing his head. Coros placed a hand on the younger dwarf's head in a gesture of traditional blessing. "What is it, my son?" the ruler asked.

"There are visitors, my Thane. Nobles from other city-states. A junior representative from Nod Geldar, a member of Clan Irongate...I do not recognize him. And another, who seems to be traveling with him...the one the priest of Rorun has been waiting for."

Coros' eyes widened. "Why didn't you say so! Prince Sol is here?" The ruler yanked his comb out of his beard, wincing slightly. "Send for meat and spirits and bread, lad, to be sent to my private audience chamber. Tell the prince I will speak with him at his earliest
convenience. Also, get someone to fetch the trunk prepared for the Gifting. I can't very well receive a ruler without a gift of hospitality. And find Granite Armstrong. He'll be pleased to know that the prince has arrived."

"Yes, my Thane," the boy said, rushing out of the room. Coros Steelbiter looked at himself in the polished stone mirror. So Dol Geldar's last ruler, a prince only because those able to crown him king had died in the fall of his city, had come to Copperwell. And the other representatives were arriving one by one...the thane had not anticipated the need for an extra seat at the council table, especially not one occupied by the last son of Clan Blackstar. Anxiety marking his usually unmoved face, Coros Steelbiter left his
sleeping room and hurried to his audience chamber to await the prince's arrival.

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Mon Dec 17 22:07:37 2001

Sol awakens to a pounding on his bedroom door. He looks around, confused at first. Accustomed to the uneven roads, Sol isn't completely sure where he's when he awakens. He realizes there is someone knocking at the door and it wasn't part of his dream.

Torc is standing outside of Sol's chambers, knocking on the door. He finally hears a gruff voice from inside the room yell out, "I'm coming, I'm coming." Torc is a bit startled as he hears some metal on stone grinding from inside Sol's chambers.

Sol slowly opens the door, placing the battle axe he propped against it last night to the side, clearly in view but out of the way. When he looks up he sees Torc standing there, a bit startled by Sol's appearance and the battle axe.

Torc, finally overcoming his initial shock, bows to Sol. "My lord, Thane Steelbiter is waiting for you in his audience chamber where breakfast will be served. There is no rush as Thane Steelbiter specified that you were to arrive at your earliest convenience."

Sol, measures the young dwarf in front of him. "Son, would you bring me a wash tub so I may wash up?"

Torc, almost staring at the scar running up Sol's chest, "Yes my lord, I'll bring a wash tub immediately for your use." At that, Torc turns and hurries away from Sol's chambers after closing the door. A few minutes later Torc returns with the wash tub and a fresh suit of
clothes for the visiting noblity. "My lord, here is the wash tub you requested, and I took the liberty of bringing you a fresh suite of clothes."

Sol, looking at the clothing he's spread over the bed looks up, "Thank you son. What is your name by the way? I can't be walking around here calling everyone son."

Torc, "My lord, my name is Torc, I am Thane Steelbiter's personal assistant and grandnephew."

Sol realizes that Torc isn't as young as he originally thought. "I'm sorry Torc, you're not even close to being a son I could have fathered, but the times have already started to take their toll." Sol finishes washing up, "If you'll wait outside for me you can lead to me Coros' Audience Chamber and we can get an early jump on today."

After seeing Torc out, Sol looks over the clothes the older assistant brought for him. A proper suit of clothes, made with fine Dwarven worksmanship. Its been sometime since Sol has worn anything of its nature. As Sol dresses, his mind wanders back to the last time he was in attendance of a proper function. His father still ruled Dol Geldar at that time, the orcs were a distant threat at that time...if a threat at all. After Sol finishes dressing he steps out into the hall way, the only addition to the garb brought by Torc being Sol's bastard sword on his hip. "Lead the way Torc for I have not the slightest clue where we're going," as the two head down the hallway towards Coros' chambers.

From justincryder at yahoo.com Tue Dec 18 10:43:13 2001

Young Irongate slept soundly in his quarters that evening. He awoke on his own that morning, and sitting up in his bed, he admired the room which was much nicer than one of his stature would normally receive. Rising out of bed, Flood began to dress for today,
wearing his finest clothing, and feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the coming day. He was determined to make a good first impression with Thane Steelbiter, to represent his the people of Nod Geldar to the best of his ability, and bring honor to clan

From newlaz at excite.com Fri Jan 11 19:38:51 2002

The two gaurds left Steelbiter's home with the intention of finding the Seneschal Armstrong. With infallible dwarven logic they headed toward the small temple dedicated to Rorun Ethus Keeperstone, where else would one of his clergy be?

As they turned a corner, they saw the bleak almost hidden temple. Dwarves with thier long life do not need a daily reminder of thier mortality, especially in times when dwarves are a dying race. To thier shock, the strong temple doors were lying to the side of the entry way. Pulling out battle axes they charged in. As they were about to burst through the door a high priest stepped in blocking them.

"Delver Copperfist, and Therin Nailbeard. You were expected, enter in peace."

The two gaurds lower thier battle axes. One of them speaks: "But the doors, Father, we thought the temple was in trouble."

"Nay, Nailbeard. The will of Gods does not wait for the elderly to unlock doors."

The other gaurd speaks up "Uh, Father, we were sent by Thane Steelbiter to..."

"Gather Granite Armstrong. Yes, I know."

"How did you know?"

"Granite told me. Follow me."

The high priest leads them both down the aisle to the alter. An alter normally reserved for the dead being honored. It held Granite Armstrong. The two gaurds surged forward. Nailbeard grabs Granite's hand, and gasps.

"He's..he's DEAD!"

"No, Nailbeard. He is with the Master of this House. He is niether alive nor dead."

"So he is only, what kind of dead?"

The High Priest chuckles "Or somewhat alive, Copperfist."

Granite groans and rolls over. "Forgive me father."

"No need Granite. My bones are old and about to join Rorun Ethus Keeperstone. These men are here to pick you up."

"Yes, I was told. I need some things."

"Take what you need. This is our Master's house."

"Thank you." Granite departs to the rectory. The gaurds go to follow him, but are stopped yet again by the old palsied hand of the High Priest.


"Yes, Father." they both intone. Granite comes out a few moments later. He is wearing the pure black satin robes and mask of the High Cerimonies, sending chills down the gaurds' spines. It is not easy to spook the Thane's gaurd. In his arms he carries a large rectangular object wrapped in a funeral shroud. Completly obscurred except for the vague outline of the Hourglass holy symbol of Rorun Ethus Keeperstone.

"Even that?!?"

"Aye Father, especially this. It was ordered of me."

"Father Armstrong, at least let us carry that. It is nearly as big as you are, and must be heavy." says Copperfist. A glare rises in Granite's ice blue eyes.

"You don't give a waraxe to a beardless child to carry to battle for you, do you?"

"Why, of course not Father. They could hurt themself."

"Then learn NEVER ask to bear my burdens! Take me to the Thane. Blackstar is already breaking fast with him, and I am hungry."

"YES SIR!" comes the trained response. In a few moments the two gaurds went from fear, to pity, to finally respect and loyalty. They cleared the streets towards Steelbiter's manor, were they walk the short in, completly ignoring the other gaurds.

At a door to a dining room they rush ahead of Granite, and open the door. As one they intone "Father Granite Armstrong, prophet of Rorun Ethus Keeperstone, to see Thane Steelbiter."

Granite looks at them with a mixture of scorn, pity, and gratuity. He slams the large rectangle object covered in a funeral shroud down beside a chair. He does a short but meaningful bow to Thane Steelbiter, and a nod at the young noble from Nox Geldar, and bow to the waist toward Prince Sol Blackstar. "My introduction is over important. Pardon my slips of formality, but Ihave been fasting over long, and a haunch of meat would suit me well, my Lords."

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Sun Jan 13 06:13:42 2002

Before Granite's arrival, both Sol Blackstar and Flood Irongate had been summoned to Thane Steelbiter's Private Chamber by Torc. Sol had been presented with suitable clothing for the occasion. Once dressed, the three of them, immediately headed to meet Thane Steelbiter.

After introductions and announcements, Sol and Flood were seated at the almost massive table. Coros informed them breakfast would be served as soon as they were waiting for one more to arrive. Within minutes, the doors opened again and in walked Granite.

To Sol's amazement, Granite is carrying an extremely large box, and some color has returned to him that was missing on the previous night.

The Thane looks at Granite, surprised at his frailness, "Please join us father, I understand your hunger and breakfast will be served now that you have arrived."

With a wave of his hand, Thane Steelbiter summons in the breakfast, and the three nobles and the priest of Rorun Ethus Keeperstone sit down to eat.

From justincryder at yahoo.com Sun Jan 13 06:37:23 2002

Young Irongate was feeling very much out of his league, sitting at the breakfast table that morning with Thane Steelbiter, Prince Blackstar, and Father Armstrong. Dwarves are generally not a trusting race, but somehow he had managed to gain the confidence of Prince Blackstar. In this, Flood felt much pride. And perhaps, he thought, he was not so much out of his league as he thought?

As the youthful represenatitive from Nod Geldar sat at the table, he
could not help but take notice of Father Armstrong, whom he had seen
only very briefly the night previous, and passed out in a chair in the tavern. At that time the cleric had appeared very weak, very frail, and very old. Observing him now, he was still very much each of those three things, but at the same time Irongate noticed a discernible inner strength eminating from Father Armstrong. Perhaps it was his faith, perhaps it was his sense of duty to Prince Blackstar, or perhaps it was a combination of both faith and duty. Regardless of what the source was, Irongate was duly impressed and held the cleric in the utmost respect.

From newlaz at excite.com Mon Jan 21 20:07:46 2002

The Dwarven noblemen ate in silence, as was customary for the morning breaking of fast. The thin and emaciated cleric had trouble with his stomach, not having used it for such a long time, but ate as much or more then the others. Finishing his third serving of mushrooms and bacon, he wiped his mouth, and quickily combed the remaining food out of his beard just as the other's did. They all set down thier beard combs at the same moment, thus not showing that any of them were more vain then the others. A dispicable trait amoung dwarves vanity. Granite clears his throat. Thane Steelbiter, senior in his own home recognizes Granite's right to speak.
"Thane Steelbiter, I have a question, or rather a statement that will seem rather, to be honest, forward."

"Speak Father Armstrong. Counsil is why you are here after all."

"We honor our dead, do we not?"

A tad shocked and wondering where the cleric is leading, the Thane nods and states "Of course, but you amoung us would know that better then others."

"We honor our dead. We do not play children's games, insisting that they are still alive."

"True Enough, Father Armstrong."

"Then why does everyone presist in calling your nephew, Sol Blackstar, as Prince? His forebearers have joined Rorun Ethus Keeperstone! By law of the Dwarves handed down generation to generation from the Gods themselves, by right of birth, and by right of death, he is THANE!"

OOC: THanks to Chuck for the detailed back history. This makes things much more interesting.

From justincryder at yahoo.com Tue Jan 22 16:38:25 2002

It did not take long for Father Armstrong to validate young Irongate's gut feeling about him. He did possess a great deal of inner strength, and he had just made a bold (although very accurate) statement in the presence of Thane Steelbiter. Perhaps any other Dwarf alive who made such a statement would be unceremoniously thrown out onto the street, but Father Armstrong was not just "any other Dwarf." The youthful representative from Nod Geldar waited anxiously for Thane Steelbiter's rebuttal.

From adamdavis64 at hotmail.com Wed Jan 23 12:33:09 2002

Thane Steelbiter sighed deeply and closed his eyes. "I fear that you are both right and wrong, Father," he replied. "It is true that young Sol is indeed the rightful heir to the throne of Dol Geldar, and should by all rights bear the Axe and Diadem. However...our own laws forbid it." He shook his head. "His father was slain, paving the way for his succession. But a thane can only be crowned by the High Priest of An. And as you are all too aware, the High Priest of An, and the rest of the Keepers of An, were slain in the fall of Anhold. The Gagnerians were very careful to make sure to strike them all down."

The Thane rose, and walked to the back of the chamber. "The succession of all the dwarven cities is hamstrung now. Tradition must be honored, as bound in the Compact by which the Confederation was formed. Only by the grace of An can a ruler ascend; history is marked with those who failed the High Priest's tests, and were passed over. But there are no more Keepers of An to choose a new High Priest, and no High Priest to
appoint more Keepers. Sol may claim the rulership of Dol Geldar, but he may not wear its crown. The Compact is clear."

He returned to the table, a cloth bundle in his hands. "This is not the Gifting," he said to Sol, setting it on the table. "A Gifting is something new, and it will come. This is something that is yours already." He unwrapped the bundle. Lying in the rough cloth lay a copy of the heavy medal he wore around his neck.

"This was recovered from the ruins of Dol Geldar," Steelbiter said softly. "The medallion of office. You may not wear the crown, but no one will dispute your right to wear the seal of your people."

*Deepflame will it so,* the thane thought to himself. *Let the rest of the council see sense. Dol Geldar may be shattered, but I will not allow the Council to bury it forever as some of them wish to....*

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Sat Jan 26 15:20:39 2002

OOC: I'm going to assume that the Seal of the people is also called the diadem. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, Laz, the complete background info was a joint venture between yourself and me. I just kept the compiled notes and finally got them online.

Adam: I thought An didn't have clerics/priests at any time, this came as a shock to me when you said the High Priest of An and the keepers of An. Also when you said that the ppl who would be responsible for crowning Sol king had died, I thought you had meant that those people had been at Dol Geldar at the time of the attack.


At Thane Steelbiter's offer of his Family's seal, Sol bows his head in silence. "Thank you Coros, I had believed the seal to have been either stolen or destroyed during the battle. It gladdens my heart to find that it is still in our possession." Sol, picks up the medallion and slips it over his head, placing it over his heart. "I will wear
this with the honor and pride that has driven my clan for centuries."

Sol looking over at Granite continues, "As to my kingship, Coros is correct. I have not right to be king of Dol Geldar. That position of honor died with my father. The High Priest and keepers of An were to test me some 40 years from now when my father believed he would be ready to step down from his position. Not until that time was I to be crowned King of Dol Geldar."

With a slight tremble in his voice, "Granite, as you should know by now, positions of dignity mean very little to me. I do not wish to be king of anything at this time. You have followed me from one end of this world to the next searching out the one who caused our people so much pain. During my journey here, I had several dreams, visions... whatever you would like to call them. In those dreams, I saw images that put fear into me like none I have felt before. We as a people have erred in our ways. We believed ourselves to be superior to everything and allowed our deligience to lax. That is why the orcs were able to conquer our cities and destroy our way of live. I believe these attacks are not over and more cities will fall if we do not correct the error in our ways."

"I will admit to forgetting the purpose of a ruler in our lands when I left Dol Geldar after the attack. I have realized the error in my ways. We can not being to rebuild until our lands are completely free of orcs. As Thane Deathhammer asked with his dying words, we must protect what we still have. It is for that reason that I will be unable to stay in Copperwell long past the meeting.(OOC: Name forgotten) I will be leaving for Cavecrest Ridge as soon as possible. I have vowed to free those cities currently besieged by the orcs and
aid them in any way I can."

From adamdavis64 at hotmail.com Tue Jan 29 09:27:32 2002

A few points of dwarven cultural clarification:

1) Because Dol Geldar's Thane took the title of king, he wears a crown and not a helm as his mark of office. The symbols of office for Dol Geldar are the Diadem (crown) and Axe; most dwarven city-states are ruled by a thane whose symbols are a helm and either an axe (if their city name ends in "Geldar" or "Hold"), a hammer (for those ending in "-well" or "Forge"), or a mace (for those ending in "Keep"); all others bear their own unique symbols. The symbols of office have no bearing on the personal weapons chosen by a ruler, although the thane must prove his skill with the weapon that is his symbol of office as part of the testing to be thane. The Seal Coros wears, the Seal of An, is the sign of the leader of all dwarvenkind, and bears 24 glyphs marking the original 24 city-states; each present ruler bears a seal showing the crest and glyph of their individual state, including Sol. Those seals are simply known as "The Seal of (city-state)."

2) You are correct, Chuck, in that An has no clergy of his own. The title of High Priest of An was a ceremonial one. The original High Priest of An is said to have been installed by the three gods themselves at the founding of the Confederation, and is the only dwarf to have ever been a cleric of An himself; he in turn appointed
Keepers of An, one from each city-state, to serve him. Both the High Priest of An and the Keepers of An (except for the original High Priest) were actually clerics of one of the other three major dwarven gods (and rarely one of the minor local ones), and retained all the spells and powers granted to their own priesthoods, in addition to a few unique powers only available to An's servitors. Therefore, their role as "clerics of An" was strictly ceremonial, since An himself takes no direct involvment in dwarven affairs and they continued to
pray to their own deities. When a Keeper of An died or stepped down (very few were ever removed from office by the High Priest, only seven throughout all dwarven history), the High Priest would appoint a replacement from the appropriate city-state; the surviving Keeper of a city-state which had fallen was permitted to remain Keeper for 101 years after, and was not replaced when he fell or that time ran out. When the High Priest himself died, the Keepers would choose a successor from outside their own ranks (although former Keepers who had stepped down have often been selected over the years). The High Priest was considered the spiritual leader of dwarvenkind, in much the same way that the Thane of Anhold was the de facto political leader of the dwarves. All of the living Keepers of An died in orcish attacks (see below), as well as the High Priest himself, therefore preventing any new Keepers or High Priests from being appointed.

3) The individual responsible for crowning Sol was killed in Dol Geldar. The High Priest of An must test each possible thane before his succession and approve him, but the crowning is actually done by the Keeper of An from that thane's own city. The Keeper of An from Dol Geldar escaped the slaughter at Anhold (the only Keeper to do so), was in Dol Geldar when the orcs attacked, and was killed; it is entirely possible that Dol Geldar, unusually far from the orcish border, was attacked next by the orcs specifically so that the Keeper
could be eliminated, thus disrupting the dwarven succession process.

IC: The Thane listened carefully to Sol's words and nodded. "You are wise and strong, Sol Blackstar," he said. "Your words before the Council may well turn their minds and guide them to aid you in whatever way we can to free Cavecrest Ridge before it falls. Perhaps we can even claim back Grayaxe Hold with your strength and that of the dwarven people."

Inwardly, the thane was relieved. *His absence will make dealing with his situation easier,* he thought. *As long as Sol Blackstar walks these halls, the Council will question his legitimacy here, and my defense of his position undermines what little unity I can hold to. Deepflame, give me strength....*

Coros lifted a bell and rang it, its tones echoing in the chamber. "To that end, Sol Blackstar, I have for you a gift, appropriate to your mission. I hope it will aid you in your endeavors once you leave these halls."

Two dwarves entered bearing a large chest, bound in dwarven steel and chased in silver, its smooth stone panels lacquered blue and worked with images of dwarven mythic glory. Four intricate dwarven locks marked its face. Coros held before Sol a ring of four silver keys. "The trunk is five hundred years old, and was crafted by my great-granduncle Katos Steelbiter, son of Loran Steelbiter. It is yours, as are its contents." Turning to the trunk, he opened it slowly and solemnly, unlocking each mightly lock in turn carefully, so Sol could see the workings of the mechanisms and the proper ways to turn the keys so that the intricate locks would open. He lifted the lid.

In the torchlight glittered the shine of copper and gold. Lying on a bed of heavy gold coins lay an intricate suit of copper plate mail, elaborately worked with intricate designs. The breastplate was adourned with a strangely blank round seal of white enamel.

"Tradition calls for five thousand measures of gold," Coros said, "but I regret I can only spare three thousand right now." He lowered his eyes and moved his hand in a cutting gesture across his beard to show his shame. "Be assured Copperwell will grant you the remainder, and half again as much to make good my shame, in aid to your cause."

The serving dwarves lifted out the mail. "This armor was forged by Keeper Larm Evenhand, son of Rorm Evenhand, seven hundred years ago, on the Forge of Anhold. I need not tell you that it carries the blessing of the gods in its metal. Though it is copper, it is the strong copper of this very city, tempered by craft and blessings, and has all the strength of steel. It will adjust itself to fit you, and the blank seal on the breast will take on your personal arms when worn." He bowed deeply and spoke the traditional words of giving. "Bear it proudly, my guest, and know that you and your sons are always welcome in my hall. May you be always blessed by the Three Lords of the World. By my honor, I pray my gift is fitting."

(OOC: I don't know the traditional reply; feel free to invent one. Sol was gifted first due to his rank; Flood will be gifted once Sol replies. Granite, as a cleric, will be given a smaller gift more as a countesy, and with less ceremony.)

From cfrankert at hotmail.com Wed Jan 30 18:59:41 2002

{OOC: Adam, you know we need to have a chat...and you know what about. I wasn't quite expecting that response from Coros, although I'm guessing that something passed over his face as he was thinking. I'm
not going to act on it currently but let me know if there was anything noticeably unusual about his mannerism after his first announcement to Sol, ending with "...with your strength and that of the dwarven people."

Also...what does Sol know about this armor?
1. About the creator?
2. Last one to wear the armor?
3. What bonuses the armor gives to the wearer? (by the sounds of it, the movement penalty is reduced and the fatigue factor isn't as great)

As for the traditional response, I'll do my best.}

IC: Sol, kneeling before Coros: "Thank you, My Thane. I do not feel worthy of the gift you have presented before me, but I accept it with pride and honor. I pray to the Three Lords of the World that I do not
tarnish the pride and honor that surrounds the gift you have presented to me."

His eyes have still not left the chest with the armor and gold laying in it as he resumes his seat at the table. He had heard of the gift giving from his elders at Dol Geldar, but he had never been present at one in the past. His amazement at the value of the armor and the gold underneath it were obvious as he took his seat.

Book 1

From: JS Laslo
Date: Sat Nov 11, 2000 9:07 pm
Subject: Idea

Sol and Granite should get some sort of bonus for fighting together,
they've trained for an extremely long time to do it. Also I think this
group should be open to anyone who is willing to take orders from Me and Chuck, we're royalty after all.

From: JS Laslo
Date: Sat Nov 11, 2000 9:22 pm
Subject: Dming

Davis you had better play a fairly active role or there will be a
genocide on orcs.

From: "Sol Blackstar"
Date: Sat Nov 11, 2000 9:39 pm
Subject: Genocide on Orcs

Well Sol isn't completely against that idea, hell he's all for it, he
knows he needs the support of the entire Dwarven Confederation.
Even without that support, he has sworn to kill as many of those
bastards as possible.

From: adamdavis64@h...
Date: Sun Nov 12, 2000 10:46 am
Subject: Adam Davis

I'll be happy to be active in this campaign. However, you and Chuck need to provide me with some of this complex body of dwarf lore you've produced so I know where I'm coming from in terms of history, family members, and so forth.

As for fighting bonuses: there's a proficiency you should both take if you want to get bonuses for fighting together. It's called Paired Combat; it's on my list of things you can do with your weapon proficiency slots other than use them for weapons, and it reflects exactly what you describe, two individuals who have fought long together and have learned to work in conjunction. It allows several benefits in battle as long as the two of you are fairly close together. I'll describe it more fully when I get the chance.

Sure, anyone who feels inclined to play a dwarf is more than welcome. I'll advertise the e-group on the web site, as well as in the new Library of Highmoon e-group I'll be making shortly to replace the old Kaerith Dreambook e-group. I'll also try to post some more dwarven information on the Library over the break.


From: "Sol Blackstar"
Date: Sun Nov 12, 2000 9:53 pm
Subject: Past information

Adam, I'll sit down tomorrow or early this week and go through and put as much information as I can about Sol and Granite's past, including Dol Geldar information that probably Laz doesn't know much about. We'll go from there.

About posting it on your website, let everyone know they should contact us to get an idea of what is actually going on before they decide to join.

About the paired combat, Looks like that will be both of our next weapon proficiencies Laz. We should be heading up in level shortly so it will work out for us.

From: adamdavis64@h...
Date: Mon Nov 13, 2000 1:24 am
Subject: Getting started

Well, I'm currently in the midst of finals, so don't expect much from me till Thursday. Once I get that mess cleared up and have some time to look at any info you guys have, we can begin from there. I'll be sure to explain the nature of the dwarven situation on the page and list you guys as the contacts for that.

From: "Sol Blackstar"
Date: Mon Nov 13, 2000 8:21 pm
Subject: history

Sol Blackstar:
As you know from previous experience, he is the prince of Dol Geldar. That is currently not in debate, but as to the status of Dol Geldar, that is another story completely. At the time of Lorgun's Attack (game date unknown), Dol Geldar was only three generations old. It had a modest population of 3500 dwarves. These dwarves were extremely close knit, descending from Geldar family line or being extremely close to the Geldar family.

This group of dwarves had left Copperwell to reclaim land that had been left centuries past. At Dol Geldar they discovered a large supply of Red Iron Ore. They had harvested that ore slowly since the inception of their thanedom. They had remained on good terms with the other thanedoms, trading their ore for items they needed.

That ended when Lorgun attacked. He attacked without warning and with no mercy. His band of orcs destroyed the thanedom and killed 2500 of the inhabitants. Those left surviving vowed to rebuild, refusing to let the orcs scare them from their lands.
Below is listed some NPC's(possible PC's if the time comes to use them):
Tycus Blackstar -Sol's father deceased. Died defending Dol
Belack Hammersmith -Sol's cousin currently Ruling Dol Geldar in Sol's name. At time of attack was the Churh in Copperwell(cleric of Deepflame. Had a premonition of Attack on Dol Geldar and returned immediately.
Any other info that is needed please let me know.

From: JS Laslo
Date: Mon Nov 13, 2000 8:39 pm
Subject: Dwarf Page

Here is the source information for the Dwarf Lifestyles (In Brief), so
you can just throw it up on the net in about 10 minutes Adam.

BSol Dwarven History

From: adamdavis64@h...
Date: Tue Nov 14, 2000 10:56 am
Subject: Re: Dwarf Page

Thanks, LAZ. I'll post this info as soon as I've had time to make a
few minor edits, probably tomorrow after my finals are over.

From: JS Laslo
Date: Tue Nov 14, 2000 8:33 pm
Subject: Beginnings

The gaurds at the gates of Copperwell were standing watch, late at night
as they usually do. Battle Axes at the ready, hammers also. From the
distance they see a small shrunken figure ambling up the pathway to the
Great Gates. One motions towards the figure and the other taking the
silent commands advances.

He walks up to the figure, who is hobbling along barely erect. He notes
with some concern that it is a Dwarven priest of Rorun Ethus

"Can I help you Father?" the gaurd says in the deep resonanting tones of
"You are outside of the Great Gates of Copperwell, Father, let me ease
your burden."
"Copperwell? Good."
"Let me lighten your load old one."
"Keep your hands off of me, I haven't crossed these many miles only to
be mollycoddled into the city."
"Very Well, ancient one."
"And cut out that old one crap. I am no older then you are."

The gaurd looked deep into the pale blue eyes of the dwarf, wondering
what horrors he has seen, and takes a few steps back to give the
troubled dwarf the respect he deserves.

"At least tell me your name."
"Wait until I get to the gate..."

The other gaurd looked up at his friend who is following the gnome sized
dwarf. He sighs and realizes that is going to be another long night of
gaurd duty.

"Indentify yourself."
"I am Granite Armstrong, of the Ruling Clan of Dol Geldar, Seneshcal of
Prince Sol Blackstar."

The two gaurds are taken aback.

"We are honored. How may we be of service?"
"Open the damn gates and let me in, I am expected, and I am expecting

The gaurds open the Great Gates of Copperwell, and allow the Seneschal
into Copperwell, without further instruction. Once inside the gates,
Granite sits down and rests. He is more weary then he should be, the
lack of food for the last forty days has burned off the fat that he once
held, and brought him close to the land of his god. He walked in a
fevered state between the realms of the living and the dead. He spoke to
the dead while sitting in Inns along the way, ignored by the living
people, and ignoring them in turn. He has seen Rorun Ethus Keeperstone's
books, and knows how things could go. To see such sights wearies a man
beyond his years, and takes its toll, physically, and mentally.
Spirtually though, Granite has never been stronger. He sits on the
inside of Copperwell, awaiting his Prince.

From: JS Laslo
Date: Sat Nov 25, 2000 8:15 pm
Subject: Granite

Granite looks up at his Prince.

"Sol, my liege. I have not eaten in forty days and forty nights, plus a
few more. Let us go to the Pub." says Granite getting up with a surprising energy for someone who hasn't eaten in so long. He leads his Lord down to a small pub that looks like it mainly caters to the human traders.

"We should be safe in here. No respectable dwarf would be in here, and I
have acclimated myself to humans. We can discuss with little or no fear
of being over heard."

From: "Sol Blackstar"
Date: Mon Nov 27, 2000 12:51 am
Subject: Re: Granite

Sol looks at Granite in surprise as he walks besides him. The famine is not something unheard of in Dwarven culture, but for 40 days and nights is something unusual.

After a few steps, Sol stops Granite and turns to face him. He asks, his voice lowered, "What will we be safe from? We belong here as much as any other dwarf. Unless something has happened to Copperwell and Steelbiter since the last news I heard which was some months ago."

From: JS Laslo
Date: Sat Dec 2, 2000 10:25 pm
Subject: Bar

"My liege, there are many ears in Copperwell, such as those from Silverwell. It would be best for us to be descreate." Granite says sitting down. He looks at the menu board and orders a sauteed mushroom platter and a small mug of goatsmilk, being that Rorun Ethus Keeperstone doesn't approve of alcohol consumption. "After all this is the first time in my recolation that the dwarven thanes are all meeting at one place. For all of our plans to become known, well, then counter arguements would be much, easier..."

From: cfrankert
Date: Sun Dec 3, 2000 3:06 am
Subject: Sol's response to Silverwell

Sol follows Granite to the pub and after they find a corner table away from the majority of the patrons. After sitting and ordering, Sol asks about what Granite has been doing in the past few months, his "quest", and for news from Dol Geldar. AFter getting caught up on everything that has transpired since Granite's return Sol looks at him and asks "So the unexpected has happened, Thane Axelord or a representative actually came from Silverwell for our

From: cfrankert@h...
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:52 pm
Subject: Leaving the Bar

After eating and a few mugs of Ale, Granite slumps in his seat. Apparently the trip and the ale were too much for him.

Sol sits watching his friend for some time pondering the implications of a Silverwell representative being in Copperwell. It would mean there is no possibility of a full war against Gagneria. Yes Granite was wrong...it is not a meeting of all Represenatives as several have already perished, their kingdoms with them.

Passerby's can see the look of depression in the road-weary dwarf. None are willing to guess his age or his status. He holds himself with pride and his weapons and armor are both of high craftsmanship and battle used. Most guess he is from one of the fallen kingdoms, yet none would guess of his real status.

While pondering the future, his mind wanders to the past, to lives lost, and to dreams. Some long dead, some still fresh and vivid. It was only a week past that he awoke from such a dream. One that left both mental and physical scars. His head will always bear the scar from that night. As he gets up his mind returns to Scorpion, the one with the power to influence minds. What role does Scorpion play in his life?

Sol stands, pushing the thoughts of his head with the last draught of ale in his mug. He sets his mind on the future, there will be time to reminiesce of the past later. He retrieves his belongings, pays his bills and hands a few extra gold pieces to the barkeep to make sure Granite gets to a room safely.
Sol sets out from the bar, determined to finish his quest and fulfill his destiny. He heads to the center of the Copperwell, towards the center of the remaining Dwarven power.

From: jjc232@p...
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2001 8:28 am
Subject: A new hope

Having arrived justly to Copperwell as the blanket of darkness covered the town, Flood Irongate, a young dwarven nobleman, immediately found refuge in a small pub. Sitting down to a warm meal in quiet solitude, Irongate began to ponder the events that had transpired, bringing him to this all-important annual council meeting, his first.

As he finished his dinner, Irongate was struck by the look of utter depression on the face of a road-weary dwarf at a table across the other side of the pub. He was dressed impressively; his armor and weapons were of superior craftsmanship. Truly this was a great warrior, Irongate thought to himself. He watched further as the dwarf stood up and paid the barkeep for his meal, and exited the pub.

As the warrior exited the pub, young Irongate quickly got to his feet and approached the barkeep. As he did so, Flood passed the table where the warrior had been sitting, noticing an older dwarf passed out in his chair. "If I may ask," Flood said to the barkeep, "who was that who just left?"

"That was Sol Blackstar, Prince of Dol Geldar," the barkeep replied gruffly.

"THE Dol Geldar?" Irongate said, surprised. "I thought that it was fallen."

"No," the barkeep replied. "It lives, but barely."

"Thank you, sir," Irongate said, producing some coins to pay for his
bill, and adding a few extra for tip.

Irongate exited the inn with haste, and stepped back out into the night streets of Copperwell. Up ahead in the distance, he could see the silhouette of Sol Blackstar pressed up against the moonlight.

As Irongate follwed the prince at a brisk pace, he recalled the stories of Dol Geldar, how it was ravaged by Orcs. He knew that if one kingdom could be destroyed, others would follow, possibly his, until all the dwarven lands were conquered. The Gagnerians had to be stopped. Additionally, Irongate was hungry for war, hungry for a chance to prove his skills in battle, to bring honor to himself and his kingdom.

Finally catching up to him, Irongate said, "Prince Blackstar," and the young dwarf bowed in reverence as Sol turned to see him. "I am Flood Irongate, and I pledge my support to you and the people of Dol Geldar."

From: cfrankert@h...
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2001 10:56 pm
Subject: Re: A new hope

Sol looks bewildered at the young dwarf kneeling in front of him, then looks around for anyone passing by. Gruffly he says, "Kid stand up, there is no need to kneel in front of one such as myself. If anyone knew that you had bowed to an honorless prince than you and your kingdom would likewise be dishonored."

As Flood stands up, Sol appraises his stature.

"Son what is your profession and position within your clan? You look
young enough to still be in training. Also where did you discover my
true identity as I haven't given my name to any except the guards at
the gate?"

From: "Adam"
Date: Tue Nov 27, 2001 7:44 am
Subject: The dwarf behind the bar

Morolon Slatefist polished a glass and watched as the young Arkan noble knelt and pledged his fealty to Sol Blackstar, the fallen Dolan prince. It was he who'd tipped off the younger dwarf to Sol's true status; not many recognized the Blackstars on sight. Morolon was one who did. He knew them very well.

Fealty to the dwarven prince was not an expected development, and if anything meant that Blackstar might well have more supporters than Morolon had previously anticipated. The prince's mad dream of restoring his fallen city-state might well be realized. Morlon's lips curled behind his beard in an unconscious grimace. Restoring Dol Geldar! Prouder cities had fallen, and just as recently....Anhold, Nod Geldar, Grayaxe Hold...and others, older and prouder still. Who had come to the rescue of ancient Goldwell, with its Mile-Deep Mine, lost to the Crumbling Plague a thousand years ago? Had the Council
favored the restoration of ancient Southwatch Hold, once the first line of defense aginst human aggression, abandoned these six hundred years? No. These great cities lay in ruin, as they had for centuries, and hardly a dwarf still lived who had ever known someone that called them home.

The barkeeper broke from his reverie. The young dwarf would tell Blackstar who had revealed his identity, and Morolon could not have that yet. It might lead to dangerous questions. He stepped into the back and beckoned to the youngster whom he'd taught the art of brewing dwarven ale.

"Caspar, I have to take a trip. An old...friend...has arrived in Copperwell, and I must...attend to him. It is a matter of sworn duty. While I am gone, the tavern is yours. Treat her well."

The young dwarf, his beard not even yet streaked with gray, nodded. No dwarf questioned the sworn duty of another. "Will you be long, Master?" he asked.

Morolon sighed. "I am uncertain, Caspar. But you are more than ready to fill my boots in my absence." He clapped the young one on the shoulder. "May Goldbeard fill your purse and Shatterstriker watch your back. Gods willing, I'll see you again someday."

Taking off his apron and hanging it from its accustomed hook, Morolon exited the tavern through its back entrance, and slipped into a tunnel in the side of a rock face out back. Most of Copperwell, like all dwarven cities, was below ground. Descending the stairs, still illuminated by moonlight until he'd made a few turns, his dwarven sight took over; the rock face here crawled with differing patters of heat, revealing their features as clearly to his eyes as in daylight. Eventually he stopped before an apparently ordinary bend in the tunnel which led to the city proper. Aged fingers traced the rock until they closed on a jutting spur, shaped with long wear into the
very mold of his grip. He held the spur briefly, and said the Earthword, a secret few dwarves knew as anything but a legend. And slipped through the wall as though it were not there.

Morolon proceeded down a long passage, much more polished than the one he'd just gone through, its floor worn with the tread of centuries. Ancient carvings covered the walls, and runes of a style not seen for many years. It was, in many ways, a temple to all Morolon had worked for, worked and hidden for all these long, long years.

Presently he exited the tunnel in a small chamber, a square room with slender pillars around its border. An eternal flame, blue in color, burned without smoke in its center. The floor was studded here and there with square bronze plaques, each covered in runes. Keeperstones-- the grave markers of dwarves. Beneath each resided the petrified body of a dead dwarf, standing upright in his tiny cubicle of a grave, axe on belt, malachite in one hand and gold in the other, as tradition demanded. Heroes, every one. Seldom were so many buried in one place. But this was a special place.

Along the way, Morolon had changed his clothing, adding a dark hood that covered all of his head but his mouth and beard, and spread out over his shoulders. He had donned a black belt bearing seven bronze studs, a symbol of his rank, and a single circular disk of iron bearing asymbole few alive would recognize. Around his neck hung a strange pendant, a closed black fist. Most dwarves' stomachs would lurch when they saw what it was made of, the one stone no dwarf would dare to work.

Others, similarly clad, drifted out from among the pillars over the next several minutes, arriving by mysterious ways from all over Copperwell. None had as many bronze studs on their belts as Morolon; a few had none. All of them also wore disks of metal on their belts, carved with other signs. And all wore that blasphemous pendant beneath his beard.

As one, the dwarves lifted their pendants and chanted softly, the words of invocation in ancient Dwarvish. As one, they ceased, and lowered their pendants. As one, they turned their hodded faces to Morolon.

"The Fallen One has arrived," Morolon said. "Our work begins."

The Clan of the Onyx Hand nodded. They had been waiting for far too

From: Justin Cryder
Date: Mon Dec 3, 2001 8:03 pm
Subject: Re: dwarfgroup Re: A new hope

Flood quickly rose to his feet at Sol's behest. "I'm sorry," the 4'3" 171-pound dwarf began, "forgive my impertenance. I am Flood Irongate, 2nd cousin to Thane Erik Torchbreaker, ruler of Nol Geldar. I am the duly appointed represantive to the dwarven council by my people."

It was evident that the young dwarf, who looked not a shade older than 95 at best, was scrambling to regain his footing after stepping off so poorly in his attempt to make a good first impression with Sol Blackstar. Now as opposed to being on solid ground, young Irongate felt as though he were wading in treacherous waters, as unsafe a place as there could be for his people.

Mindful of this, Irongate thought carefully to himself for a moment, and then continued, "I received your name from the bartender at the tavern." Then he added, "and yes, sir, I have completed my training in the ways of the warrior."

From: cfrankert@h...
Date: Tue Dec 4, 2001 4:49 pm
Subject: Re: A new hope

Quietly:"Well Flood it is good to know that there are still dwarves that foresee that danger of believing those damn orcs."

Looking Flood in the eyes and seeing his unease: "Son, relax. It is not I that you need to worry about. But there are some that believe I am dead and I'm surprised to learn that the bartender knows my true identity and it vexes me to a degree. I have told only two inside Copperwell my name, and those were the guards at the gate. "

Turning around, away from Flood: "Walk with me and listen, I still have people to meet before the day is over and time is of the essence. The Bar tender can be questioned later at my leisure...but with your information, I now know that my coming here is no longer a secret and neither is the existance of Dol Geldar. As for kneeling to me, it is not needed at this time, as many believe I have lost my honor with the fall of Dol Geldar. Time will tell if I am able to change that opion."

Adam this may come as a surprise, but after looking at all the information Sol has avaialable and taking Thane Deathhammer's last request very seriously. Taking a lower,more serious tone: "There is one point that many do have correct, Dol Geldar has fallen. Our lives, my life in particular, shall be sent honoring Thane Deathhammer. I will live defending our people and if need be die in that quest so others may live. You are the first to hear that from me, neither my cousin nor my senschal knows of my decision at this time. I'm not saying that Dol Geldar will never rise from its ashes, but the plans for resurrection will be delayed for some time. My primary concern at this time Cavecrest Ridge. If Cavecrest Ridge falls, the orcs will have our confederation split in half and that much easier to dismantle. And yes before you ask, I firmly believe that their plan is to dismantle and destroy the dwarven confederation."

"Unfortunately at this time, my most pressing issue is my presentation to Coros Steelbiter. Would you mind accompanying me?

Sol continues walking towards the political center of the hold, almost dragging Flood with him as Flood digests the news he has just heard.

From: Justin Cryder
Date: Tue Dec 4, 2001 5:52 pm
Subject: Re: [[dwarfgroup]] Re: A new hope

Irongate soaked up the drops of knowledge in what the elder dwarf had to say like a willing sponge, before finally speaking: "I meant no disrespect by kneeling before you, because as far as I am concerned your honor is still intact," the young Dwarf began, following quickly behind the Dwarven prince. "And, it would be a great honor to accompany you, sir."

The young Dwarf continued. "I did not mean to be so forthright back there," Flood said as the two walked. "As I ate in the tavern, I noticed that your
appearance was quite remarkable... for some reason it was as if I was compelled to find out who your identity, so I inquired of the bartender."

Inrongate paused briefly before adding, "I had not realized however that you had not given your name to him. But perhaps the word of your arrival has spread faster than you anticipated. A prince from a fallen kingdom is somewhat of a big deal.

"In my mind, your very being here is a symbol of hope in these times of darkness. The people of Nol Geldar are not very active in the political affairs of the Confederacy. But perhaps if they, and other Dwarves, were made aware of the plight of their brothers and sisters we could stand a chance against the Orcs.

"To that end, any assistance that I could aid to you, Sol Blackstar, I pledge whole-heartedly. I want to preserve our people, and our way of life, at all
costs. If that means fighting, which I am sure that does, count me in."

Young Irongate could sense the elder's dwarf's apprehension. "I know you may think I am too young and inexperienced for this task; even idealistic and
foolish. But I love my people and I would do anything to protect them."

From: "blacksol2001"
Date: Tue Dec 4, 2001 10:14 pm
Subject: Re: A new hope

Looking Troubled: "The news of my arrival has not spread otherwise there would have been others whose interests would have been piqued and I most likely would have been approached by one side or the other. The bartender...now he was the only one that knew my name or my position."

Brightening up a bit(as much as a dwarf can in these times):"I'm glad to hear that there are still some that believe my honor is intact when even I realize that I have quite a bit to re-gain after my abandonment of Dol Geldar after the attack."
Continuing onward while whisperin:"I pray that I may bring hope to many that have suffered through all of this and bring back our people's honor. I also pray that Shatterstriker will guide me along this journey, unfortunately War is the only answer Gagneria understands, otherwise they never would have attacked in the first place. Luckily I believe we'll have the upper hand when we go to take our lands back. I also believe that you are the right dwarf for the job...and the dwarven confederation could use more of your type in their ranks.

As for what it will take first to free Cavecrest...quite a large fighting force and a lot of info. The supplies to get that force equipped and to Cavecrest in one piece with the ability to kick some orcish ass. Many of us will not return from that battle, but that is our life. After Cavecrest is freed, it will need rebuilt and most of that force will remain there, possibly for the remainder of their lives. The orcs will most likely return and Cavecrest must be defended. I'm hoping that with those reinfocements, we can get the armaments back in place, increased and upgraded to the point where the orcs will be repelled without a problem in the future.

From there, who knows what will come? Alot of that depends on the orcs and what has already happened by that time."

From: "blacksol2001"
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2001 7:18 am
Subject: Dwarven Confederation

Adam, I created a Table of the Dwarven confederates...the same table
you sent me a yr or so ago. Just click the database link and than Dwarven Confederates Table. If you see anything that needs changed, feel free to change/update it as needed.

From: "adamdavis64"
Date: Sun Dec 9, 2001 4:35 pm
Subject: Campaign site change?

Hey, guys. Just wanted to run a potential problem past you. Laz has informed me that he is unable to access the Yahoo name her used to create this group, meaning that not only can he not get into it to play, but since he's the moderator, no changes of any kind can be made to it. I was thinking it might be best to shift its locale to either another Yahoo Group or a guestbook set up in the same way as the Dreambook, so that it mails each entry directly to everyone in the group as soon as it's posted as well as listing them all publicly in a guestbook. Obviously we'd have to archive all the old entries
and tables from this group and make them available somewhere. What do you guys think? Should we do that, or just go on with what we have?
