Blog: Second Group History
Description: Contains the exploits and adventures of Second Group.
Created by blacksol on Sat 07 of Feb, 2009 23:51 EST
Last post Thu 04 of Mar, 2021 21:55 EST
(29 Posts | 8444 Visits | Activity=2.00)

Silverwell - Part 2

Thursday 04 of March, 2021
Meeting Date: 2021-03-04
Game Date: August 27, Year 54 (Melurbian)

Silverwell Pt 2

After we return from dinner, finally getting away from those damn orcs, we sat down and reviewed what we know of the situation.
1. Silverwell is unlike most dwarven city-states. A significant portion of the hold is exposed to the outside.
2. Both New Bragney and Estivinia have their embassies on the Third Tier.
3. It is not like a dwarf to give up a fight...specially before the battle has even started.

Our discussion continues and delves into possible _Avenues of Investigation_:
  • Where the hidden silver mine is located?
  • Bono - Guild Contacts - Any information and/or assistance available?
  • Onyx Brotherhood - who are members and what are up to?
  • Why did Thane Silverward surrender before the battle was joined.

Bono's Investigation

Bono heads out after the group returns to the embassy. He wants to head to the Third Tier to check on the Thieve's Guild location. City is immaculately clean, no trash heaps, no foul sewage, no signs of rats.
Fourth Tier - small guard contigent noticed, group of three.
Third Tier - more establishments have guards/security; mostly dwarfs, some orcs, at least one estate (Estivinia) with humans. Many of the buildings are guild halls for the crafts, others are for the mercantile companies. Also locates the Burnish embassy, currently empty. He then enters the commercial district, middle - upper class target markets. Some shops sport signs in multiple languages.
He finally comes across the blue stone shop (sign in Dwarvish & Melurbian), listing it as Onre's Fine Clothiers. It is not evidentially open, but there is a light visible in one window.

Bono goes to the back door and provides the Thieve's knock. After a brief interchange with the proprietor, a panel opens inquiring as to who is knocking. Bono gives his name as Bagwell. The proprietor gives his name as Tristan. The room Bono enters is drapped in red & green, a decent fire burning, and a few good chairs; sizable for meetings of 6-10 people. Bono notices a second gentelman hiding behide a set of drapes. Tristan is Ghantran/Calandian decent, and is carrying three knives (only one in the open). Tristan offers a glass of wine and brings over two glasses, offers Bono his choice of the two.

Tristan comments that he doesn't know Bono, who explains how he came to find the guild. Kilver steps out from behind the drapes. Bono claims to be paid up with the Ghantran City Guild. Kilver says the city mostly deals with silver. The rest of the confederation has stopped trading with Silverwell. Gagneria has already set up trade routes north to their cities. Silverwell's coffers are filling with Gagnarian marks instead of the dwarven coin. Gagnarian demand of silver is extensive. Gagneria has been able to keep the local economy stable. The Gagnarians have been asidious in dealing with problematic dwarves as well as other potential trouble-makers. Those who speak out too loudly against the new rule, are removed from public (possible execution, jail, banishment...punishment not known).

There are some mines that have been taken over by Lord Regeant, primarily those who refused to sell to Gagnarians. Some mines are idle while Gagnaria awaits the arrival of their own miners. Kilver continues to go back to offering Bono contract work. Bono tables that idea for now. Kilver does provide the names of the three mines that have seized by Gagnaria. Warns that the mines are most likely guarded. Gagnaria has the rulership class in a vice grip.

Bono provides information concerning Ghantra and its denizens of importance.

Bono then asks about a secret society operating in Silverwell.
Kilver asks of which one:
Society that wears Silver.
Society that wears Black.
Bono indicates the silver. Kilver explains that Silverwell is known for silver and a group of elite warriors known as the Silverswords. They have their own fighting tradition, specialized against magical threats. Since the orcs arrives most of the Silverswords went underground. Some left the city in shame after the thane surrendered. Those who remained and went underground are working to undermine the Gagnarian rule. He may know a way to contact them, but they are wary of being sold out. The orcs would like to root them out since the Silverswords are a threat to their rule.

City's Interior, Well of the Three Streets, located in a public plaza on the First Tier. There will be a woman there, selling candles. Tell her you want a green candle, and pay with a silver coin. She can take you to a Silversword.

Bono and Kilver wish each other a good night and part ways.
Bono starts heading home, and sees a well dressed drunk dwarven merchant apparently on his way home. Bono follows him to a non-descript building where the dwarf is able to enter the home after some trouble with the lock. Bono then heads back to the embassy.

2nd Morning

August 28, 54
Bono fills the group in his evening's endeavors.

Sol knows of the Silverswords often sell their abilities through the confederacy due to their abilities against magic.

Normand has heard of the three mines, none of the bosses have been seen since Gagnaria took them.
Benders Shaft - smallest
Griffen Pit - larger, bosses attempts to seal it, still closed
Wander Shaft - about same size as Griffen, more of a natural cave. Closed and guarded by orcs.

The thane does appear in public, but he is usually accompanied by an orcish official. He is being kept around to help lend legitimacy to the orcish occupation.

Discuss how to proceed.
  • Speak to Thane without the orcish oversight.
  • Attempt to contact the Silverswords.

Lowest terrestorial level is most often used for incoming trade goods.

Group decides that Bono, Sol, and Tyke will head to First Tier and attempt to contact the Silverswords. JL, Rondax, and Prentis will attend court for the day. Normand recommends Hall of Governance (Seventh Tier, an old mead hall) or Consul Leucippus Pentimus (Caldandian) is the center of social interactions for the human races.

Consul Pentimus

JL sends a messenger ahead to the consul. No indication that the request was denied. JL & company head to the consulate, the architecture looks Calandian but is clearly dwarven built. JL approaches armed and armored. The guards of the consul look up in surprise. Some banter between the group and guards. JL finally asks about the messenger and the guards inquire as to who he is...Rondax announces JL's arrival and title.

The guards reveal that JL is expected and welcome him to the consul before leading the group inside. There's approximately a dozen people meeting in a parlor. The consul is taking part in the discussions, and is clearly recognizable in the customary garb. The guard announces the three new arrivals. The consul stands and welcomes JL and party.

In attendance:
Heads of two merchant companies
New Brag
Scholar from Irelia
Dwarven Merchant
Estivinian Consul & consort
Calandian merchant
Various attendants

JL asks for the room and the Calandian consul asks for an early adjournment for the current meeting.
The Estivinian consul asks JL to all upon him at JL's convenience.

Pentimus invites the three to sit, offers a cushion for Ronax. Wine is then offered to all the attendees. Pentimus says that when the announcement arrived, he believed it was a prank. He can clearly see that JL is who he claims. JL is not here to wage war on the consul. Here because they are both in a strange land surrounded by strange people. The visit to this consulate is not an official state visit. The visit is to help a friend, and that Terminus is a well connected within the city. JL asks for Terminus' insight into how the city is faring under the orcs. It is a nuanced situation.

There is not likely a dwarf that is happy with the occupation.
Silvermen are pragmatic.
They were not expecting their thane to open the gates to the enemy.
They realize that this the only city state that is still standing / not beseiged after a Gagnarian invasion.
Allowing the orcs in may have saved the city, but many dwarves feel that the thane betrayed the city.
Most offices of power are held by orcs.
The average dwarf can comport themselves well in a fight.
3 days in, the orcs proclaimed that the thane will continue to hold his office and advice the orcs. Any dwarf wishing to keep their office could do so. Any capable of speaking an orcish tongue would have their wages doubled.
There was an insurrection led by an official attempting to take the Hall of Governance. There were some Silverswords involved. Every dwarf involved was executed.
Some dwarves are still resitant of dealing with Gagnarian, and are finding themselves marginalized.
Most of the weapon smiths & armor smiths are being paid double the regular going rates.
There are no other existing trade options.

Gagnarians have been arriving here and there. Craftmen, merchants, and others have been settling in the city. The Gagnarian government is offering money to orcs to settle. Buying any properties for sale or those confiscated.

Some dwarves are leaving the city to other city-states or outlying communities.

Orcs are dealing straight, mostly honest. Discussions ongoing to set up trade between Gagnarian and New Bragney. Those proposals are being sent to the New Bragney Senate for consideration. Gagnaria wants to re-establish trade with both New Bragney and Ghantra.

Gagnarians already act like they own the city. Refer to it as a province. Talking about sending out emissaries (dwarven and orchish) to work out trade arrangements to get silver trade re-established to the other dwarven city-states.

The confederation needs coin to continue fighting the orcish invasion.

Gagnaria sending out ambassadors to interesting places...including Tarsk. Renee Levine, first minister of the Republic of Tarsk (rebel government). Tarsk is another city that is rich in silver.

The dwarves are not sure how to handle the orcish invasion.

Great many of the dwarves are not happy with the invasion, but not moving against the orcish invasion...no direction.

Not many Britigines in the city. Britigit does not endorse occupation or oppression. Prentis here to identify how the people are being treated. The dwarves are no longer in control of their own lives. Gagnaria is attempting to break the dwarven culture / race in Silverwell. This approach was not expected from Gagnaria.

JL shares the story of the black powder and the fact of the listening devices.

Terminus asks Rondax about the government of the Beastlands. Rondax is filling the void left by the lack of a centralized government. Teaching other cultures about the Beastlands and the cultures there.

Terminus heard rumor of our group that caused some disruption to Gagnarian control in the Whitelands. The liberation of a captured Bernish prince. Rondax claims that it's common for Wemics to partner with Plonite paladins (to help explain the tale of the Whitelands).
Claims that those people should be commended and assisted when possible.

Terminus Warns JL that due to his stunt today, he will be recieving callers over the next couple of days. Also extends an invitation to JL & party.

  • Window for dwarven resistance is closing.
  • May have an ally in Terminus if an uprising starts


First Tier is definitely an area for whole-sale. Orc and Dwarf vendors are both found in the markets. Most of the goods for sale are for bulk / raw material sales. There is a side route into a loud plaza. More disorganized, dealing with smaller items. Broad mix of people selling goods, loud bartering. Bono looks for anything interesting. Finds a clothier selling some interesting clothing (tight breeches, ovoid collars, water proof hat). He's from Larorski (now Gagnaria). Bono buys an ensemble for 4 royals.

There is one stall with a dwarven woman adorned with robes. One eye is clouded over. She calls out Tyke for a mage and then identifies Bono as one as well (bloodline clouded the sight). She pulls out a codex of spells that may be of interest to Bono, one spell in particular. The spell is Tasha's Mind Lash (limits actions on next turn). Willing to trade for it

Bono buys:
Potion of Disguise Self (8 hr duration, illusion): 3 for 120 Royals
Flying Ointment (1 min to apply, 1 hr duration): 2 for 130 Royals

She appears to be a follower of Nerum Kalo Skywatcher (Lover, Sky). Spooky deity. Some of her priests study sky magic.

Back on the path to the necessary location. There is a well in the middle of the plaza, some drawing water. In the NW corner there is a woman with a wagon selling candles. Bono approaches and asks for a green candle. He pays with a silver coin. She then says that she has more green candles back at her shop if Bono would like some.

Pauses in front of a small building and calls out Bertha to take over the barrow sales. She continues down the narrow street to a staircase that leads further down into subterranean levels. Down some more staircases and tunnels. Finally into another plaza with no other entrance/exit.

The plaza is paved mostly in keeper stones (grave markers). She kneels next to a keeper stone, and pries it up. She says it was the grave of a warrior of the city, a Silversword. There's a ladder that leads further down. He never had use of his grave. The ladder goes down about 15' to a low ceiling tunnel that leads to a round door. There's a round plate with a leaping griffen on it. The griffen's eyes light up, glowing yellow for several seconds. Then a bolt is drawn on the far side.

A cleric opens the door from the other side, god of coin, wealth, and trickery. Asks what sign we used. Leads us into a room with a slightly higher cieling. Some refreshments available, tools readily available.

Initial vetting complete, Brother Shevos (Nelun Morris Coinfinger), leads the three further into the cave systems.

Dwarven Pantheon

Dungan Colus Deepflame (goddess of fire, the forge, craftsmanship) - akin to Britigit
Doron Relos Graydelver (god of caves, caverns, and mining) - akin to Elamonel
Lithrim Tarus Pathseeker (goddess of travel, exploration, trickery) -akin to Nitsol and Bes

Morlen Trulus Shatterstrike (god of protection, strength, justice, law, and the warrior’s arts) - akin to Sarox
Nelun Morus Coinfinger (god of gold, wealth, trade, the arts)- akin to Farus
Kathon Merus Bladequencher (goddess of war, rage, revelry) - akin to Franaxa

Rorun Ethus Keeperstone (god of history, time, the dead) - akin to Tallad and Elamonel
Nirim Kelos Skywatcher (goddess of the surface world, heavenly bodies, clouds, magic, love) - akin to Nuarta and Liltin)
Herim Danus Hearthshield (goddess of agriculture, rain, seasons, clan and family, wisdom) - akin to Hippus)

Trip Money:
1200 Royals