
Jingle Bell Rot

Author: Alan Wesley - Published Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 00:30 EST - (2585 Reads)
Performed by Skedlin
To the tune of "Jingle Bell Rock," with apologies to Bobby Helms

Songs of Praise, Things of Beauty

Author: J.S. Laslo - Published Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 00:02 EST - (1869 Reads)
LAZ's latest submission is the story of a Nuartan wizard, seeking to atone for sins committed in the final days of magocracy in Irelia. A haunting and poignant tale. A prelude to his forthcoming Irelian cycle.

Seeds of Destruction

Author: J.S. Laslo - Published Sun 15 of Feb, 2009 23:59 EST - (1949 Reads)
The first part of a lengthy and complex narrative by Laz, Seeds of Destruction lays the foundations of a tale of darkness and betrayal in Irelia through the stories of two former Laz PCs, Bull Dunham of the Dreambook Group and Aragaon Saraman of 2nd Group, as well as the High Theocrat, Laz's own Seven Bards, and Langdon Kruz, the protagonist of "Songs of Praise, Things of Beauty". Note that not all the events of this story are canonically correct, but they represent a possible chain of events leading to the same ending.

Mixed Magics

Author: J.S. Laslo - Published Sun 15 of Feb, 2009 23:48 EST - (5905 Reads)

This tale, the first Kaerithian short story, follows the Greenseeker esper Kelen Daris (a character never before seen in any campaign) as he encounters a mysterious and unnatural force of evil in the wilds of Ganlay.

Four Walls

Author: J.S. Laslo - Published Sun 15 of Feb, 2009 23:46 EST - (1882 Reads)

Editing by Adam Wells Davis.

This short, chilling tale chronicles the thoughts of a hapless prisoner in the dungeons of Baron Randolph as he plots a final act of defiance.

The Flamekeeper's Daughter

Author: Stacie Davis - Published Sun 15 of Feb, 2009 23:42 EST - (2125 Reads)

Editing/Footnotes by Adam Davis

Those who RP on Kaerith are probably familiar with Flontara the Red, the insane fire elementalist who met up with Second Group in Talagran, but not much is known about her and her background. This story, part of a larger work in progress, is the story of Flontara’s origins and her latest adventures—a dangerous espionage mission to Irelia that brings back a lot of bad memories. The story intersects with a lot of Second Group’s exploits, and parallels it in other places. This prologue to the tale tells the story of the Colosseum in Talagran from the standpoint of Flontara and Tagnox the Wemic.

The Walkers

Author: J.S. Laslo - Published Sun 15 of Feb, 2009 23:33 EST - (1999 Reads)

This mysterious story, while not technically set on Kaerith but primarily involving Kaerithian characters, tells of a meeting between two unusual planeswalkers. The tale hints at larger things to come, and reveals some surprising secrets about a few of Laz's more inscrutable PCs.

The Rina Limerick

Author: Adam & Stacie Davis, Jason Laprade, and Beth Stoessel - Published Sun 15 of Feb, 2009 01:45 EST - (1908 Reads)
