Blog: New Warriors History
Description: Contains the exploits and adventures of New Warriors, one of the Sycron's Challenge teams. The following are some notes made by Matthew for his own use in tracking what happened during the campaign. Emphasis is somewhat towards Matthew's PC, Corrigan. Notes on the early challenges are very scanty, as Matthew typed them from memory, while he took better notes on later challenges and typed them up while his memories were fresher.
Created by blacksol on Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 00:50 EST
Last post Tue 31 of Mar, 2020 23:38 EDT
(22 Posts | 3904 Visits | Activity=2.50)

Back Home

Wednesday 15 of February, 2012

Back Home

May 14

The group finds that it is May 14 upon their arrival back in Highmoon. They also realize there is a lot of business to which they must attend.
  1. The Lost Prince, delivered to Corrigan's church for verification and reunion with his family
  2. Meeting with Silver Sabres - The one hunting Perazada corrupts those of her kind and turns them into Ghuls.
  3. Corrigan & Ellia decide to take on an apprentice. Set up a hut at the market and at the end of the day, each makes a selection.
Corrigan select a young human female by the name of Jenna. Ellia selects a halfling male by the name of Templeton.
Jenna is slightly built and of a mild disposition. Templeton on the other hand could pass as a nervous butter ball.
  1. Business Interests: Miniture Ballista/Hvy Crossbow, Gnomish Cart, telescope, warfored, Alchemical items, fireworks, victory torches, goblin wares.
  2. Dinner with Sycron. This occurs a few days afeter returning from the Northlands.


Dinner with Sycron for the boasting portion of the last challenge. Ellia & Corrigan brought along their apprentices. Templeton scared of the thought of Sycron, Jenna intrigued. Corrigan prepares Jenna with a few training exercises, the only magic being the ability to create a mage light. The group is met at the door by an Argosexes, a create with blue skin and covered with eyes. Templeton becomes concerned because he doesn't know which eyes to look into.

The group is shown downstairs to a rough wooden door. Upon entering, the group finds Sycron sitting in his own mead hall. Corrigan introduces Jenna after Sycron welcomes them all into his home. Sycron provides Jenna with some advice on the bits and pieces of magic, they are what matters. He also gives her a piece of an elven wood charm. Ellia then introduces Templeton, who answers that he is an antiquarian in training.

Ellia: Out riddled the mad dwarves
Perazada: Killed Unglaca in single combat
Corrigan: Order of Druids, Wisdom contest with Roundstone, drank from the Well of Wisdom
Verut: Death of the Dragon

Group requests that Sycron provide a boast of his own. Sycron tells of the shadowplaces of deep earth and a vigil he keeps over an ancient flame. The flame came from the city of Varx Voular, the last city of the Night Empire, which did not actually worship Markira. The knights of Ceridwah fought their way into Varx Voular and slaughtered the residents of the city. The destruction of the city was immediately followed by a solar eclipse. The knights involved in the slaughter went blind. Sycron saved teh eternal flame of Varx Voular 300 years ago on Beltane. He has kept it alive since it came into his possession by providing it with some of his own life force.

Other work

Between dinner with Sycron and the next challenge, the group takes care of some personal items.

Ellia continues working on her manuscript concerning the trip north and the mistletoe.

Corrigan begins training Jenna, and learns that she wishes to be treated as family.

Perazada looks for answers into her dilemma of taking on the water form permanently. She finds a mystic who lived in the sands, a Blue Azarai. For the visit, Perazada brought a box of excellant baked goods. Azarai welcomes Perazada and tells her what her dual heritage actually entails. Blood of water, bound to a human form. The water has always been there. By walking as a human, the water was subdued, but not that she has accepted her divine heritage, Perazada has lost the flesh cover. She swore to divinity in front of the divine that she was ready for the mantel. God's have both power and dominion. Perazada must be ready for any challengers.

Verut continued to learn the common writing and the herbal potions.

Next Challenge

On May 16 the group heads back to Sycron's for the next challenge at the courtyard of Sycron's palace. There are now only 6 bands left with approximately 30 people total. Esteban from Ysar's Avengers believes they did extremely well. Corrigan introduces Munin and rubs in the fact that Munin's service is at the behest of Odin. Esteban is not impressed (or at least seems that he is not). Verut and Ellia both converse with members of Silver Sabres. As the bands gather, Kerrick slips into the background, almost completely unnoticed.

A hush falls over the crowd as the thundering hooves of horses approach. A grey steed approaches on 8 legs. It gallops to the diaz where Sycron dismounts. Sycron dismisses the beast which runs off into the air.

Sycron commisserates that the bands had been sent far away. The most recent challenge had bands in the Iron Hills, the southern sea, and the Northlands. A Pirate King as killed, an Orc Lord's plans quashed, and a forgotten prince returned.

The standings as of the last challenge are as follows:

1 New Warriors 38
2 Ysar's Avengers 36
3 New Banner of Silver Cloud 32
4 Silver Sabres 27
5 Ceridwah's Rejects 25
6 Wolves of Sorenmere 23

The next challenge is part of a cycle on the compass. Two more bands will be gone by the time the cycle is complete, either by their choice or by Sycron's. Wits as well as arms will be used. This challenge does not pit one team against another as the last challenge. One party affected by the challenge will be grateful while another will wish it was not complete. Three days to prepare for the challenge. The challenge is expected to take 6 weeks. After passing out letters to the individual groups, Sycron disappears.


Sycron's letter to the New Warriors starts with how impressed he is by the lost prince. It continues by stating that the Universe must remain in balance. The group is to head south to the Sand Deserts, to the Mirana Bazaar during the Festival of Ceridwah's Ascent, or Defiance Eve. At the festival, a marriage is to take place between two families. There are some not happy about the marriage. We must ensure that the parties survive to the ceremony. Sycron wil provide for transportation to the South Sands, the group will arrive within 3 days travel to the Bazaar. The group must make it to the Bazaar before the festival begins, protect both bride and groom since tradition dictates neither party may draw blood for the entire week leading up to the wedding which is to take place on the last day of the festival.

The group needs to determine the location of the Bazaar in relation to their arrival point.
The histories of both families involved.
How to navigate the desert.
Methods to protect against the heat and lack of water: clothing, magic, potions, etc.
Ghuls are an epidemic in the region and should be expected, what is the easiest way to kill them.
How to gain favor with the Djinni, who may be able to help.
What types of gifts are appropriate for the wedding.
Any local Guids available.

Ideas to get close to the wedding parties:
Cultural research, stories
Trading company

Verut begins working on a fresh batch of healing potions and a potion for resisting the elements.

Perazada locates a guide from the south. A gentlemen by the name of Alzuhr Mahir, a markiri or desert ranger. He has a regular route near the bazaar. He wants 450 crown for 50 days of service. Corrigan and Perazada barter with him to 250 crowns + 100 bonus if the group makes it back in 6 weeks from departure date. He does recommend a total of 5 camels and enough water to get to the bazaar plus extra. He says the group will most likely need to take the shadow roads back to Highmoon to make the 6 week time frame.

Northlands Pt6

Thursday 03 of November, 2011

The Northlands Pt 6

From the Grove

After spending a quiet night resting around the World's Tree, the group awakens. Their first order of business is finishing the bag of holding, made from dragon scales and twine from the World's Tree. Once the ritual is complete, the scales within the bag spell out northern runes. As they depart, the group leaves the Silver Sickle on the cliff, unharassed by the eagles. They pass through the crevasse without incident. Once to the river, they make use of water breathing to flow with the currents to a better location. Corrigan's phantom steeds carry the group from the river towards the gate through the remainder of the day and into the night.

The Ravens

As the group sets up camp on an open hill, they are swarmed by an Unkindness of Ravens.

S - - - -
Ravens 5 dmg to Perazada, Verut, Corrigan - all blinded
- - - -
1 - - - - 2
Verut defends Corrigan - - - - Arrinids vanishes after a taunt
Ravens squawk - Corrigan & Verut 10 psychic - - - - Alfhilder Hits Perazada (9), Corrigan(12)
Ellia Hawk in song, 13 pyshic dmg, swarm moves up - - - - AP: Hail stones on Ellia, Corrigan, Verut
reveals 2 women in feathered cloaks - - - - Ellia hits Alfhilder, 15 psychic, (5hp on hits)
Ravens hit Verut, blinded - - - - Ravens miss Corrigan, hit Verut
countered by Ellia's satire, scattered swarm - - - - Corrigan Fire - hits both Ravens and Arrindis
Corrigan Summon imp, hits Alfhildr - - - - Perazada Hit Alfhilder
imp hits Arrindis, dmg + poison ongoing - - - - Verut misses with fire ball from alcohol
Perazada holds, can't see the women - - - -
- - - -
3 - - - - 4
Arrinids (5 dmg ongoing) 2 Miss on Corrigan. Svs vs dmg - - - - Arrindis Vanishes
Alfhilder Hit imp, 15 dmg - - - - Alfhilder Hits Verut, 11 dmg
Ellia Healing word Verut, Prop Strike Alfhilder (8 d) - - - - Ellia Hit Alfhinder
Ravens Hit Corrigan - - - -
Corrigan Thunderwave ravens - - - - Corrigan Diplomacy check
imp Flank & hit Alfhilder (9 dmg, poison) - - - - imp moves towards Alfhilder
Perazada Misses Alfhilder but knocks her prone - - - - Perazada Hits Alfhilder, 8 dmg
Verut Crit - 30 dmg - - - - Verut Charges Alfhilder, hits
5 - - - - 5
Arrindis hit Corrigan, 16 dmg, dazed, ongoing 5 - - - - Arrindis Vanishes
Alfhinder hits Verut 11 dmg - - - - Alfhinder Storm - hits Verut & Imp 10 cold, immobilized
Ellia misses, healing word Perazada - - - - Ellia Alfhinder: Vic Mockery, 12 dmg, Jinx Short 11 dmg
History check: Women are agents of Odin - - - - Corrigan Perception chk - failed
Corrigan Diplomacy - written word binds - - - - imp hit Alfhinder, 9 dmg, 5 poison
imp hits Alfhilder 9 dmg, poison - - - - Perazada hit Alfhinder, 10 dmg (puts her at -9)
Perazada hit Alfhinder, 8 dmg - - - - Verut heal Alfhinder
Verut 2x miss, used AP - - - -

Promise made to Arrinder by Corrigan, written as they bargained.

The Gate

From their position on the hill, the group can see the Gate. They also notice the other group camped out nearby. Ellia rides her steed out to the far side of their camp and lights a couple of smokesticks. The hope is to draw the group away from the gate.

As Ellia circles back towards the gate and passes by the camp, she is spotted by the dwarf. As she continues to approach, she realizes that there are still 3 members of the group at the gate. She speak with the dwarf and asks to speak with Triabar, the paladin. Ellia demands assurances that they won't attempt to kill us this evening or on the morrow. Triabar swears the same on his religion.

As the groups gather, Triabar reveals that they had been to the grove and returned to the gate with fairies. They want to trade information for the mistletoe as they are in need of the merits.

We agree to share information concerning the individual or individuals out for Perazada...exact details will wait until all are back in Highmoon.

Corrigan opens the gate, the New Warriors pass through, then Triabar's band.

Merits are rewarded by Sycron, New Warriors recieved 7.

Northlands Pt 5

Wednesday 12 of October, 2011

Northlands Pt 5

Spriggin Loot

2 bronze cycles 4 flint knives
2 bronze-shod boots 2 Pr Cestus Gloves
Bone White wood wand - Color Spray +1 150 gp coins
4 ea Bronze Bracelets, necklaces, rings

The group heads down the path across a tight ledge to the fissure in the rock. The rock is adorned with what can only be described as graffitti. A smattering of runic script, historical names, as well as some prominent names from the region. They also notice an elvish inscription from yr 405, 284 years prior, signed by Sycron. Not on the wall, but in the fissure they find the remains of Lucas Gregor, a prince of Gregoria approximately 500 years ago. He was the 3rd son in line and lead the life of an adventurer. He's identified by his jewelled helm, signet ring, and armor (which Verut makes use of).

There's also two warnings inscribed in the stone:
1. Fill not the cauldron.
2. Gonar carries the key.

Through the Fissure

Surprisingly, the group is able to pull Verut through the fissure after a little bit of redecoration. Once through, they find what can only be described as the outdoors inside the mountain. There's paths wending through the trees as the land slopes uphill further into the fissure. Even further in ther appears to be a body of water. Also from their current position, they can see a very large tree sitting in the middle of the rise. It is clear the forest before them has been tended to but not cultivated.

Odin's Tree

The group heads down the path unto it's first splits into two branches, one right, the other left. At the crossroads stands a tree hung with runic pendants, Odin's powers supposedly gained when he hung from the tree of wisdom. Ellia being the first to realize that, climbs up and hangs from the tree. A while later, she falls out, unable to maintain her position any longer. She she lands, she posseses prahro (sp), knowledge of secrets and hidden things. She states with profound belief that the left path hides danger, specifically undead bodies.

With that information, the group heads down the right path. The path on the right is adorned with intermittent statues and comes out on the mound at the base of a 40' cliff. On top of the cliff glints a silver sickle guarded by 3 large eagles. The path continues on past the cliff and its outcropping towrards a swiftly moving mountain stream.

Silver Sickle

Verut climbs up the cliff and retrieves the sickle while the remainder of the group keeps the eagles occupied, for the most part. Once Verut continues, the group continues onto the stream. Perazada crosses the river and sends back the rope bridge on Corrigan's floating disk. As the group crosses the stream, they can clearly see the Great Pike Fish flashing through the water (It is believed that Ellia or Perazada caught one of these fish).


Now at the center of the mound, one path in, three paths out. Each is lost into the forest with no clear choice on which to take. In the center of the clearing rests a cauldron with a severed head hung from a tripod above it. By sight the paths are:
NW: hardest to traverse
N: only one heading up the hill
NE: off into the woods

The head above the cauldron is mostly human. Next to the cauldron rests a ladle, but no room to make a fire. Corrigan takes the ladle and bangs it against the cauldron. The head responds to he commotion and begins a lively discussion with the group about past events, his history with Sycron, and a constant request for more water. The group believes the head belongs to Ymir, who was killed by Loki when he was Guardian of the Well of Knowledge. Ymir will answer 1 question for slating his thirst, 2 if an offering is left.

Perazada tells Ymir the story of Hrothgralm and Unglaca, granting the group two questions.

Ymir reveals that the rocky path leads to Gunar, the Frost Giant.
Ymir does tempt Ellia, asking for another drink. The group reminds her of their current quest and claims they will return on the way out.


The group heads down the rocky path, leads to a stone wall, a closed gate, and Gunar. With some lively disccusion, the group learns that Gunar does know of kender, but now from when they came. He also knows of Scyron who passed through the gate, but came back empty handed.

Gunar reveals that only a claim to god-hood is needed to pass. Perazada stakes her claim as an off spring of the Djinni and claims responsibility for the rest of the group. With that taken care of, Gunar opens the gate and lets the group pass. The space inside the wall is organized with particularly spaced concentric rings. The plants inside the rings range from full growth, to buds, to hibernation; the complete cycle of plants in one space. In the center of the rings grows a single large tree with images worked into the trunk. Corrigan finds a tail wending among the roots. The tail appears to belong to a large snake or a dragon. The tail slips behind the tree just before an oriental dragon rends open the earth and the battle commences.


1 - - - - 2
Perazada hits 17 dmg - - - - miss, AP hits
Dragon fire breath Ellia\Perazada 11 fire - - - - Fangs miss Perazada
frightful presence Verut\Ellia - - - - Tail miss D.D.
Ellia Stunned - - - - hit 12 dmg-> regain 5 hp with each hit, AP miss
Verut Stunned - - - - Mt Thunder form, miss. AP hit 23 dmg
Corrigan Force dmg & knocked prone, summons dd - - - -
dust devil miss - - - - hit 19 dmg
- - - -
3 - - - - 4
Perazada hits 15 dmg, -6 Atk - - - - miss
Dragon miss Perazada & Verut - - - - hit Perazada & Verut
- - - -
Ellia hit 9 dmg - - - - miss
Verut miss, Ellia 11 dmg + bonus, hit 16dmg - - - - miss
Corrigan repulsing sphere 9 dmg, moved it to Ellia - - - - hit 15 dmg, bloodied
dust devil miss - - - - miss
- - - - Verut hit with Warden's Fury
- - - - Dragon hit Ellia & Perazada
- - - -
5 - - - - 6
Perazada miss - - - - hit
Dragon hit Verut, 23 dmg - - - - 2 misses on Verut
- - - - AP: 1 hit on Veurt
Verut hit 15 dmg - - - - miss
Corrigan heals Perazada, mv flanks & hits 12 dmg - - - - magic missile 9 dmg
dust devil miss - - - - miss
Ellia crit 18 dmg - - - - hit 13 dmg
- - - -
7 - - - - 8
Perazada miss - - - - hit 9 dmg
Dragon 2 hits on Verut - - - - 2 hits on Verut
- - - -
Verut miss - - - - hit 30 dmg
Corrigan - - - -
dust devil miss - - - - flank, hit 19 dmg
Ellia miss - - - - hit 11 dmg
- - - -
9 - - - - 10
Perazada hit 17 dmg - - - - miss
Dragon miss - - - - hit Verut 1x
- - - -
Verut miss - - - - miss
Corrigan Magic missile 9 dmg - - - - Magic missile 9 dmg
dust devil miss - - - - miss
Ellia hit 12 dmg - - - - hit 12 dmg
- - - -
11 - - - - XX
Perazada hit - - - -
Dragon Bursts into flames - - - -
- - - -
Verut - - - -
Corrigan - - - -
dust devil - - - -
Ellia - - - -
- - - -

TREASURE Value Notes
1500 gp Random coinage
Massive Drinking horn 250 gp Ellia likes it as a hat
Narwhale tusk 250 gp
Necklace, 7 octagonal emeralds 200 gp
Silver serpant bracelet 100 gp
Scramasax, gold hilt 100 gp
Dz. semi-precious stone 150 gp
2 dz pieces minor jewelry 200 gp
Cut crystal flask 30 gp
healing potion
Flask - potion of mimicry
Silver Brooch -oakleaf, bright leaf
Whetstone, seeping venom
Doss Lute, golden wood, silver string
Skeleton - - - - - the prince alluded to earlier
jewelled helm 350 gp
gold signet ring
scimitar +1
Deathcut Hide Armor

Verut climbs up and claims the mistletoe then enjoys a dinner of raw dragon heart.

Corrigan begins the process of creating a bag of holding made with the remnants of the dragon skin.

Northlands Pt 4

Wednesday 29 of June, 2011

Northlands Pt 4

Draught of Widsom

Corrigan drinks the water from the Well of Wisdom. It's described as much cooler than it should be. Corrigan's draught tasted like apples. Once he has swallowed, his eyes become unfocused, staring at nothing.

Corrigan himself can no longer see his allies. He sees a light, beckoning him forwards. He steps towards the light and finds himself on a well worn path. Visible signs showing the passage of others. He crests a small hill with hazelnut trees, surrounding a stone well decorated with a lantern. An elderly man is sitting at the well, holding a nobbly pipe, a staff, and a large black raven. The old man is Odin or his representative (Mymere), and he knows of the dwarf's theft of the water. He questions Corrigan on the meaning of wisdom. Corrigan explains that Wisdom does not equal power, only informs the wielder where and how to use power. The old man lets Corrigan know that Sycron was there previously, but he was only searching for the hazelnuts.

Corrigan seeks sight to see what he can not percieve. In exchange, Corrigan is willing to give up his ability to hide/disappear from sight. Corrigan may be giving up more than he expects, giving up a part of himself, his racial heritage. There is no means to go back from the deal bing proposed. The deal will redefine what and who he is, he will walk for all to see, and all who seek him will find him.

The lantern rotates and opens, revealing a decapitated head (Mymere). The head speaks:
-- blockquote this
This one will see, this one will know. This one will face him. Gain the knowledge you seek. When nature opens wide it's gate, things walked the land that had not walked it before. The Wyld Hunt Rode(Twilight Times) again, hounds baying across the land. The hunters became the hunted. Before this is done, you will know what it is to be their quarry. May or may not be the end, but it is where you must go. Must use his wisdom to know.

Corrigan's eyes refocused on this world, one eye appearing to wander. Perazada asks if Corrigan gained any wisdom. He responds by gaining his new found power and determines that Perazada was sent by her tribal leaders.

Verut realizes something is different with Corrigan. Foreflower was dismissed and replaced by with Munin, a raven sent by Odin to learn for Corrigan.

The Challenge

The Circe is surrounded by druids. The challenge is to display knowledge and wisdom. It takes a Question & Answer format.
Only the questions have been recorded here.
Corrigan -> Roundstone: Why is it cooloer in the North than the South?
Roundstone -> Corrigan: Concerning Faeries and Trolls; Why do gifts of strength and wisdom not share the same vessel?
Corrigan -> Roundstone: What wisdom is had by the City and not by Village, as well as vice versa?
Roundstone -> Corrigan: If all magic is other worldly, why are certain magics considered evil?
Corrigan -> Roundstone: (Corrigan uses his vision power, what topic is to close to speak clearly on?) How can a village remain protected by Druids with the destruction caused by the Star Druids?
Roundstone -> Corrigan: What is it you expect to gain that will not attend Sycron/ What will the songs say about deeds done for the challenges?

After much deliberation between the judges, the contest is declared a draw.


After the circle has dispersed, Roundstone and Frenya approach the group. They explain the gate is near the fair folk, hidden in a valley marked by high cliffs. The valley will appear as a fissure in the rocks, just large enough to squeeze into. Walk into the valley for 3 dozen paces. The stone around the gate will be deep blue, streaked with white. They also warn of the evil gnomes guarding the gate. The gnomes are described as twisted things with a deep cunning, and a never ending thirst for blood (aka spriggins).

To the Gate

Corrigan again summons the phantom stteds. The group crosses the river uncovering a river troll in the process, this they leave to it's own devices. They identify the fake gate, a spire with a green arch with Runic inscriptions claiming to hold that which felled a god. The fake gate is being watched by something small.

They continue on towards the real gate. Corrigan uses Munin to pick a path through the woods. The group stops for lunch and invite the Alfen female following them to join. The Alfen women gives Ellia a snake ring, who returns the favor with a ring pilfered from Perazada.

Over the course of lunch, the group learns that three challenges are to faced inside the gove.
  1. Riddle - may not be the hag
  2. Dragon - fire
  3. Unknown - there is a god within

She also warns of the Raven women, Iridnis(warrior, strength) and her sister Cidnera(runes, cunning). She also gives some advice on the approach to the gate.

The Valley

Even forewarned, the trip up the valley towards the gate proved a challenge the group. To make it up the valley and find the gate they employed the following skills:
Corrigan Arcana success
Verut Nature success
Perazada Endurance fail
Ellia Perception success
Verut Athletics success
Corrigan Perception success
Corrigan Dungeoneering fail
Ellia History fail

And with their ineptitude, they realize a band of 5 spriggins have found them and they have the upper ground. The band consists of 2 Powries (swords), 2 Giantsouls (rock throwers), and 1 Witherer (shaman).

The Spriggins

The battle actually took it's own session.
I decided to record it here.
Session date would have been Aug/Sep

1 - - -- - -2
Powrie 1 knocked Perazada prone, 5 ongoing Powrie 1 climbs up
Powrie 2 knocked Verut prone, 5 ongoing Powrie 2 hit Verut
Witherer spear of fire @ Corrigan, miss Witherer hit Verut, Corrigan. Knocked Corrigan off cliff
Perazada hit Powrie 1, 8 dmg Perazada Missed GS 1
Giantsoul 1 miss Ellia Giantsoul 1 Miss Ellia
Giantsoul 2 hit Corrigan, 12 dmg Giantsoul 2 Miss Perazada
Verut missed Powrie 2, sv vs dmg Verut Hit Powrie 2
Corrigan call raven, repelling burst, miss With, hit Pow 1, GS 1 Corrigan Hit Powrie 1
Ellia Satire of Bravey, hit GS 2, miss Pow 2 Ellia Hit Witherer, grant two rolls on next atk
3 4
Powrie 1 climbing Powrie 1 hit Perazada, 5 dmg
Powrie 2 miss Verut Powrie 2 moves to Ellia
Witherer hit Ellia, 12 dmg Witherer hits Verut, 8 dmg
Perazada hits with Ellia's help, GS 1 Perazada miss
Giantsoul 1 hit Perazada Giantsoul 1 miss Perazada
Giantsoul 2 miss Verut Giantsoul 2 miss Verut
Verut double mv to witherer, AP: Hits Verut hit Witherer, Earthgrasp
Corrigan miss Powrie 1 Corrigan moves up the slope
Ellia miss Witherer Ellia Vicious Mockery, hits Powrie 2, 17 dmg
5 6
Powrie 1 miss Perazada Powrie 1 DEAD
Powrie 2 knocked Ellia down Powrie 2 moves towards Perazada
Witherer moves away from Verut Witherer Wind, pushes Verut, Ellia, Corrigan
Perazada hits & kills Powrie 1 Perazada hits GS 1
Giantsoul 1 misses Giantsoul 1 hit Perazada, 15 dmg, prone
Giantsoul 2 moves up Giantsoul 2 hit Verut
Verut hits Witherer Verut hit & kills Witherer
Corrigan fireball, hits all but Witherer Corrigan hits Powrie 2 & GS 1 fire strike
Ellia healing, misses Pow 2 Ellia hits Powrie 2
7 8
Powrie 2 hits Perazada, 5 ongoing, punts Powrie 2 DEAD
Perazada moves up Perazada hits GS 2
Giantsoul 2 hits Verut Giantsoul 2 runs
Verut returns hit on GS 2 Verut misses GS 2 with Trident
Corrigan no action Corrigan Magic Missile GS 2, dead
Ellia kills Powrie 2 Ellia

Northlands Pt 4

Wednesday 11 of May, 2011

Northlands Pt 4

The Real Thoren

The group is racing back to stop the consummation of the marriage between Gunnar and Brita.

While the group races back to the mead hall riding shadow steeds, Ellia and Corrigan discuss the possibility of publishing a book on their Northern Adventures.

Upon arrival at the mead hall, Thoren carries his sword across the threshold, calling for Gunnar. Gunnar has already left for the marriage site. The group follows his trail to a small hut, finding Gunnar's amulet along the way. As they approach the hut, Corrigan notices some from the mead hall watching the hut and warns the others. Verut keeps the mage light, while the watchers move forward.

The group is able to catch a few of the guards by surprise.

Corrigan Fire shroud on 3 guards, removes 1 minion
1 2
Outrider(p) Hit Ellia Hit Perazada
Outrider(s) Hit Thoren Hit Verut
Perazada Miss Miss outrider (p)
Ellia Horse Destroyed as she went for the door moves away from door, hits warrior (1)
Warrior 1 After Ellia guards the door
Warrior 2 After Ellia hits Perazada, knocked prone
Warrior 3 Miss Perazada No attack
Warrior 4 Miss Thoren ----
Corrigan Repelling Sphere warrior(1) + door
Verut Hit outrider (s) - knocked prone Hit outrider(s)
Gunnar ---- dazes Corrigan while dealing 10 dmg
Thoren Speaks with the Barbarian Horse killed
3 4
Outrider(p) Miss Perazada Hit Perazada
Outrider(s) Miss Verut Miss Verut
Perazada hit outrider (p), helped by Ellia hit warrior
Ellia outrider(p), 21 dmg, heals Perazada
Warrior 1
Warrior 2 Flanks Gunnar Targets Gunnar
Warrior 3
Warrior 4 Hits Perazada, knocked prone
Corrigan Attempts to hide in stream Hit Gunnar 21 force dmg
Verut hit outrider(s) miss outrider (p)
Gunnar charges Ellia, hits misses Thoren
Thoren charges Gunnar, misses hits Gunnar
5 6
Outrider(p) hits Perazada, prone hits Perazada
Outrider(s) hits Verut, prone hits Thoren, bloodied
Perazada hit outrider(p) hit outrider(p), hit Gunnar 14 dmg
Ellia hits Gunnar, 9 dmg hit Gunnar, heals Perazada
Warrior 2 hits Gunnar, bloodied hit Gunnar
Corrigan frees Grita moves
Verut hits Gunnar dazed
Gunnar hits Verut, crit misses Thoren
Thoren misses Gunar Gunnary surrenders
Outrider(p) hits Perazada
Outrider(s) downed Thoren
Perazada hits outrider(p)
Ellia Healing word Thoren
Warrior 2 Misses Gunar
Corrigan Thunder wave - Gunnar & outrider (p)(dead)
Verut Knocks out outrider(s)
Gunnar (surrendered)
Thoren Checks Gunnar into Hut

With the battle over, the group pillages the fallen bodies, after congratulating Yurik on recognizing the truth behind Thoren's words.

Misc Treasure Magic Items Weapons
2 Silver Rings
1 Bronze Ring
95 gp
Bottle of Green Liquid: Water Breathing(1hr)
Scroll (Unglaca Accord)
Rune of Strength
Long Sword - +2 Lightning, Blitzen Sax
2 Seax
4 Scram-a-seux
2 Large Ax
2 Morning Stars
1 Dagger

The group spends the night outside the hut, while Brita and Thoren spend their wedding night together. On the morning, Thoren appears well rested. The group separates the prisoners, good from bad, and everyone returns to the mead hall.

Good-bye Thoren

Thoren gives the group notice that Gunnar was out of favor with the southern druids. He however was in good standing with them. Thoren provides the group with the druid password to gain access to their grove. The password was Halgal. The thane bestows gifts upon the group:
  • Perazada is given a white dire wolf fur mantel from Brita
  • Corrigan is given a rune amulet which should provide boon rights from the fey, given by Bjord (runemaster).
  • Verut is given an honor ring of Thoren's hall.
  • Ellia is given a Drinking Horn of snow (snow storm).

These gifts were on top of two jugs of mead and general supplies.

The group takes their leave, riding on the shadow mounts summoned by Corrigan. Heading south?, they reach a bowl-like valley in the afternoon. In the open space, they see a monument of standing stones. It's identified as the Nest of Flafngar, a bird hatched from a mountain which laid seven eggs, the thunderbirds that drive the storms.

The Druid's Grove

The group leads their horses in on foot as they notice movement within the little village of approximately 20. Druids in white, an elderly woman and a younger male, approach and accept the group's passphrase. The elderly woman gives her name as Frenya, the Grove Mistress. She calls their village Lyra. Corrigan announces the groups purpose. Frenya leads the group back to the village, saying we must speak with the circle to determine the way forward.

Corrigan asks about the vial of clear liquid. It's identified as either Blood from the Salmon of Wisdom or directly from the Well of Widsom which would make it extremely dangerous.

The price for what we seek is usually steep, we have not yet earned the right. As the group waits for the circle, they swap stories with the initiate druids.

The group is lead back to the circle of druids, where most the druid community is waiting in the center. The group is challenged by the druids to explain why they seek the mistletoe. Ellia relies on diplomacy and the history of southerners moving north, Verut his shared reverence with nature, Corrigan brings in Sycron's history with the North, and Perazada recounts the recent slaying of Hrothgralm and Unglaca.

The group is lead back out of the circle to await the druids' decision. 20 minutes they wait for the council's decision. Upon their return the circle, the druid's announce that the group has conducted itself as Northerners. the druids will share their knowledge with the group. Corrigan challenges the most elder, Roundstone to a friendly test of knowledge, which is accepted.

The druids explain that the Gate to the Grove of Baldur lies in the land of the fair folk, with fey guardians. It is a natural flint archway worked with giant runes and rests across the northern bank of the river hiding between two mountains.

One other name was made reference to: Nored Stoneborn.

Northlands Pt 3

Monday 18 of April, 2011

Northlands Pt 3


No details yet. I was unable to attend this session.

I know that Unglaca was a unique hag.
The real Thoren was found under the Lake.
Perazada handled herself amazingly well.

Northlands Pt 2

Tuesday 22 of March, 2011

Northlands Pt 2

Thoren's Tale

The mead hall has been much reduced since his father's death a few months prior. He fell in battle to a poisoned arrow. The clan's rune priest Victy died as well. His father left no instructions on who should take Thanedom and with it, Brita. Gunnar, his twin, friend and rival were 2 of the 9 remaining children our of the 14 borne. The warriors of the Thane decided on a competition between Gunnar and Thoren. It was a three part competition. Gunnar won the skill competition (hidden ring). Theron bested Gunnar in the wisdom competition with an answer to three riddles from the Druids. The third was to decide the Thanedom. Gunnary brought the thanedom's only enchanted sword, and his dishonor was discovered. Gunnar claimed it was a mistake and claimed innocence. Many within the thane did not believe him.

A month past, Thoren was wed to Brita, but missing his brother, went looking for Gunnar. to the north, he went into the Cursed Woods. A creature called Hrothgralm lives there. It is said Hrothgralm's teeth and claws crackle with Thunder. Thoren entered the woods and found Hrothgralm's trash pit. It's mother, a creature called Unglaca is believed to be a half witch-beast. Among the bones in the pit, Thoren found Gunnar's charm. Seeking revenge, Thoren hunted for the beast but was unable to find the lair.

In two days, the honeymoon commences which seals Thoren's marriage to Brita. Hrothgralm followed him back to the mead hall, and now terrorizes the thanedom by taking those that venture out alone. They lost the only means to kill Hrothgralm when Gunnar left with the enchanted blade.

Perazada gives Thoren the large golden ring.

Through the festivities, the group discovers the following details:
  • There's a sacred grove where one can find Silver Thorns. He has one of the three secrets to enter the grove (which grove).
  • Hrothgralm lives near the lake known as Silver Tears.
  • Hrothgralm is large, half-man, strong. Seems to be able to call down lightning, most likely due to his mother. He may be related to one of the giant races.

Search for Hrothgralm

As the group is preparing to leave, they are approached by two members of the thanedom. Bjorn thanks us for the deed we are about to do. Recovery of honor may help the hall. Corrigan gives him with the enchanted seaux. Brita also thanks the group. She would like to go with us, but has not been trained in weapons. She also expresses worry for Thoren's recent depression. She does provide the group with a draft of healing.

Cursed Woods

The group's trek through to the Cursed Woods is uneventful. Stone trolls spot the hillsides. The terrain shifts at the entrance to the woods. The trail they have been following all but disappears. Malaise covers the area.

Corrigan senses the warding magic surrounding the woods. For those not so inclined to notice the subtle magics, there are physical reminders of who owns these woods. Many of the trees exhibit troll size claw marks in the trunks. Once into the forest, the air grows colder, the growth becomes stunted, remaining low to the ground and shifting.

The group faces a serious challenge of their skills to make their way through the forest.
Corrigan makes a dungeoneering check but fails. Verut makes a successful nature check, Ellia provides some details on the magic affecting the area, while Perazada provides an eagle's view from the tree tops. Corrigan and Ellia collaborate to identify some historical knowledge of the woods and the creatures inhabiting it, Verut keeps his keen eye on the surroundings, while Perazada keeps the group moving through the thick underbrush. Corrigan uses his knowledge of magic to block the whispers tormenting the group, Ellia uses a ritual to identify true North, Verut is able to find a stream, and Perazada's diplomacy keeps the group from breaking apart. The stream is heading west, towards Silver Tears. Corrigan summons some Pyrotechnics which illuminates the gremlins stalking the group. With the sudden outburst of light, the gremlins withdraw.

Lake of Silver Tears

The group follows the stream down to the lake, which is really a big pond, about 300' long, dotted with small islands. Some of the islands actually support vegetation. There's a second stream coming into the lake from the north. The group sees tracks along the shore from a large creature, most likely Hrothgralm. Corrigan can feel beacon points, runes inscribed into the trees. Foreflower looks around a tree and becomes alarmed by a red eye.

Expecting trouble, the group prepares. Corrigan and Ellia both take up position off the ground and out from underfoot (in a tree and on a rock). Hrothgralm appears from between the trees.

1 2
Perazada Rage, 23 v AC, 13 dmg Miss
Ellia Stirring shout, miss Miss
Hrothgralm hit Per 9 dmg + 6 lightning, Reduced by 10 (Ellia) hit Verut 13
Corrigan Incendiary Burst, miss, flames Dust Devil, 10 dmg
Verut miss, Mt Thunder Atk hit 19 dmg, 15 dmg taken from Ctr
3 4
Perazada 16 dmg Miss
Ellia Vis Mock, 12 dmg 7 dmg
Hrothgralm hit Perazada miss, knocked prone
Corrigan D.D. missed Magic, Missile 9 dmg, D.D. hit 14 dmg
Verut missed hit 14 dmg, 11 dmg taken from ctr.
5 6
Perazada miss 8 dmg
Ellia Jynx, miss, Maj. word (Verut) 12 dmg
Hrothgralm miss Hit Verut, falls prone
Corrigan FF 10 dmg burst, puch; D.D. miss D.D. 15 dmg
Verut miss, (Action Pt) hit 16 dmg hit 14 dmg, 7 dmg ctr
7 8
Perazada 9 dmg coup de grace
Ellia Vis Mockery, 11 dmg
Hrothgralm Runs off, AoA taken
Corrigan D.D 16 dmg, brings it back
Verut Miss

The Northlands Pt.1

Wednesday 09 of March, 2011

The Northlands Pt.1

The group finds itself on the top of a gently rising, flat-top hill. The Ship of Stone is visible in the distance. The air is crisp and cold. There's approximately 3" of snow on the ground, and a group of angry dwarves is approaching from the base of the hill. The group discusses their options concerning the dwarves.

Ellia decides she is going to challenge the dwarves to a riddle, and they listen to her. The group takes note of the dwarves appearance, unkept, mismatched, and disturbing; an absolute rabble. The dwarves miss Ellia's riddle, the answer was Snow. They return with a riddle, Ellia guesses the answer as Fire and is correct. In response for winning the riddle battle, Ellia demands a prophecy. Preposterous is ordered to provide the prophecy, which claims that our leader is two men, warns the group to beware the raven with two talons for she is watching us since the gift belongs to her son, she will come before the cock crows.

Death to the Dwarves

At the point the discussion degenerates and Corrigan tips the scales from discussion to battle when he blasts an outcropping from the hill side, pushing it towards the dwarves. The falling boulder kills Demented.
Corrigan Incendiary Blast, hits 3
2 Slashers both miss Ellia
2 Angry 1 hit Verut
Verut hit both slashers
Perisada hit 1 slasher
Daff(leader) hit Perizada
Gaze dominates Perizada
2 Angry dwarves die from Incendiary Blast
Corrigan Foreflower burst 3 power, missed both targets
2 Slashers Both hit Verut
Verut Earth Shaking Rend, 2 hit
Perizada throws her sword
Daff Misses Perizada
Dominates Verut
Corrigan Fire Blast, hit 1
Slashers 1 miss Corrigan, 1 hit Perizada
Ellia Theft of Life
Verut 11 dmg to ellia
Perizada 12 dmg to Slasher
Daff Misses Corrigan
Dominates Verut
Corrigan Thunderwave, killing Preposterous
Slasher hit Perizada (12 dmg) named Irrational
Ellia Jinx shot on Irrational
Verut 10 dmg to Ellia
Perizada hits Irrational
Daff ???
Corrigan Magic Missile on Daff
Irrational Misses
Ellia hits Irrational
Verut misses, Ellia takes free attack and hits
Perizada kills Irrational
Daff Dazed & Dominated Verut
Corrigan Ghost Sound to Ellia
Ellia misses with Vicious Mockery
Verut misses Ellia
Perizada ???
Daff hit Perizada
Charges Corrigan & misses
Corrigan Thunderwave hits Daff
Ellia Crit Viscious Mockery
Verut miss
Perizada moves away
Daff hit Ellia
Corrigan M. Missile
Ellia 13 dmg
Verut hit Daff
Perizada returns
Daff Misses Verut
Dominates Perizada
Corrigan Thunderwave, 11 dmg to Daff
Ellia miss
Verut miss
Perizada throws sword
Daff Dominates Verut
Corrigan M. Missile for 9
Ellia Crits Viscious Mockery
Verut Runs after Ellia
Perizada retrieves sword
Daff Charges Ellia
Corrigan M. Missile kills Daff

Dwarven Loot

371 gp 8 warhammers 4 chain mail
1 Seax 1 Magical Seax 2 scram a seax
Fat gold ring Bronze Torque Jewelled warhammer
+2 Chainmail 7 Rings from Thanes Pouch of junk
Blass Bottle (bright, magical) Copper Ring (Magical Tattoo, Bonded Defense)

Ellia can now boast of matching riddles with angry dwarves, she also picks up the +2 chainmail.

Perizada tries on the copper ring to find it provides a Magical Tattoo of Bonded Defense. The entire group gets one, with one rune remaining.

The Ride

Corrigan casts Phantom Steed, providing the group with steeds possessing a move of 15 and the ability to ignore difficult terrain.

The group rides through the day, making it to the Ship of Stone in the early evening. They find remnants of old camps and notice smoke rising near the mountains, the river, and near the Ship of Stone.

Ellia and Verut climb to the top of the Ship of Stone to take a look around. At the head, they find a young human woman, wearing a feather cloak, apparently waiting for something or someone. She says she's disappointed in what she sees. Grandfather did not tell her why she should wait here. Ellia tells the raven woman about the mistletoe and the prophecy. She tells Verut that Grandfather Woden looks out for those who deserve it, and wishes for him to lead the group astray so they do not find the mistletoe. She transforms into a flock of ravens and flies off.

Ellia and Verut see a clear area to the North with building and another area with standing stones before returning to the base to let everyone know what happened.

The group heads east to investigate the signs of fire and discover a path before coming across a Mead Hall decorated with ornamental shields.

Thoren Vasterson is thane of the hall and surrounding lands. He allows entry and provides the group with food and drink in exchange for stories.

11,950 total exp

Grove of Baldur: Introduction

Saturday 19 of February, 2011

Grove of Baldur: Introduction

(May 2nd)
Sycron has called all challengers to his tower at sundown for announcements. When New Warriors arrives, they find Yarsar's Avengers(1) already in the courtyard. Corrigan and Estaban trade a few jibes at each other as the remaining groups arrive.

When everyone has appeared, it is apparent the number of groups has dropped. Club Doom is noticeably absent, with the exception of Kerrick. It appears there are only 24 participants there for the challenge, down from approximately 70 at the beginning.

There is also a large gathering of onlookers, most noticeably the Barons Tallcastle & Kinsely, Randle Longaxe, and the Archbishop.

Sycon's appearance

As the sun sets, Sycron steps out on the dais. He congratulates the remaining cast before indtruducing James Samarian, Grand Duke of Highmoon. The Grand Duke thanks everyone involved in the Red Rasp on behalf of the king before bestowing gifts on members of challengers. Of note are the three pardons granted to Yarsar's Avengers.

In The Grand Duke's eyes, two groups went above and beyond the call of duty, those being Club Doom and New Warriors.


The Marquis (Kerrick) is knighted as a Knight of Gregora for Club Doom's deeds(2).

Corrigan is granted full membership in the Academy of the Library of Highmoon as a Fellow of the Library.

Verutbear is granted citizenship in Gregoria, made a Squire of Highmoon and is given a magical craghammer.

Dame Perasota is given a Brooch of Highmoon.

The Next Challenge

Sycron begins by announcing that two groups have left the challenge.
  • Grugard did not return
  • Club Doom has withdrawn to pursue other activities(3)

The standings are as follows:
  1. New Warriors: 28
  2. Yarsar's Avengers: 25
  3. New Banner of Silvercloud: 24
  4. Ceridwah's Rejects: 20
  5. Silver Sabres: 19
  6. Wolvers of Soramir: 17

The next challenge requires the retrieval of an artifact from a remote locale. As there are three artifacts, each in a separate locale, the teams will be paired off against one another.

  • Northlands
    • New Warriors
    • Silver Sabres
  • Jungles of Mullenuff
    • Yarsar's Avengers
    • Wolves of Saramir
  • Pirate Islands of Birrago
    • New Banner of Silvercloud
    • Ceridwah's Rejects

The Silver Sabres

Mimas Tirabar, a paladin of Ceridwah, amicable gentelman
Human in breastplate, shield, carrying a longsword
A civilized Arbolic identified as a holy slayer
Elven female carrying a cudgel and main-gauche
Human of genteel poverty, wearing a holy symbol of Syrchros
Dwarf wearing Hierachists robes, mage spec in Ice & Cold

Quest Preparation

Before the groups leave the gathering, New Warriors is approached by a kender, introducing herself as Ellia, a friend of Kerrick's. She's been in Highmoon for the last year or so and claims she learned magic by accident. The group, along with Ellia, head off for bed before preparing for the quest ahead.

On May 3rd, they all head out in different directions to do what they need to prepare for the trip north.

Verut heads out to buy the necessary supplies.

Ellia researches stories on The Grove of Baldur, learns of 3 ways to get the mistletoe.
  • (Sorry didn't catch the first story)
  • By force
  • Trickery involving a jealous god (Loki, Imhere, The Horned One)

Ellia also finds a group of 6 adventurers who went north in search of the mistletoe. Only 4 returned, 1 remains in Highmoon and his name is Gunnar Snorison. Gunnar apparently lost his eye during his trip north. Ellia finds him in a tavern in the Northlands section of Highmoon. After some drinking, Gunnar tells the story of his trip north. He gave his eye to the God's for knowledge. He believes the mistletoe is cursed, and that the God's do not want mortals to possess it. He claims that many who find the mistletoe quickly meet their demise, none last longer than one year. Two of his companions found the grove, only one came out, without his tongue or the mistletoe, he drew a picture of a large coiled snake. The grove is apparently guarded by druids who can not leave. Also says there is no gain without sacrifice.

Perazada looks for any recent departures going north for the mistletoe or any news coming from the north. Hears stories of dwarves who drank from the well of knowledge without paying the price, the final cost was their sanity. Also learns of conflict between the Fey and their 1/2 Fey brethren, as well as between the Fey and humans.

Corrigan find the grove is known to travel in the Forest of the Harts, which requires a week's journey across rugged terrain. Many die searching for it. Also common to find interesting wild life in the region, including intelligent boards. Fey folk are also common to the area as are a group of angry dwarves who are apparently hostile to all. The grove is said to reveal itself to the worthy which usually requires signs of courage, strength, and cunning. Some claim the god's provide clues to the grove's location. He also borrows one book from The Library.

The trip North

Not exactly as it sounds, the group arrives at Sycron's palace as ordered. They meet up with The Silver Sabres who appear unprepared for the journey north. Once there, they are lead into the lower levels by Sycron's beholder. They enter a room reminiscent of northern drinking halls with a large stone portal along one wall. With a flip of a coin, The Silver Sabres are granted first passage with New Warriors to follow 1 hour later. Sycron opens the portal for TSS. The group passes the hour speaking with Sycron and learning how he came across the portal before finally heading through the portal themselves.

Once in the northlands, they find no trace of TSS but do see a group of dwarves barreling down the mountain at them.


  1. Comprised of a 1/2 orc wielding a Falchion, a dwarf with an ax, an elven woman with a longbow, and a pale human (Estaban) with a krenshar.
  2. At word that Kerrick is working for the public good, a few people leave the gathering.
  3. At this the Wolves of Sorimer cheer.

The Invention Fair

Saturday 15 of January, 2011

The Invention Fair


Cleaning up some loose ends

Kerrick, in an attempt to grow his retinue of accomplices and followers, decided to approach the were-rats with a business proposition. To aid in this endeavor, Corrigan provided the scent of were-rat and Verut provided the background information on were-rats.

The group approached the were-rats and began negotiating. At first negotiations centered on physical goods (maps & potions) as well as 5% of the profits for the rental properties. While Scartail and Greylong were not interested in the physical goods originally offered, they were interested in the 5% profit and Kerrick's magical dagger. In return, the were-rats will cease causing trouble except for those identified by Kerrick or his building manager. They also have outright permission to dispose of men working for Untercot who show up on the properties.


Kerrick & Corrigan run with the plan to bring about the downfall of Untercot and delve into it after the meeting with the were-rats. They plan on spreading rumors through Aubic the Visionary that Untercot is a elven sympathizer. For that to work, they need to have evidence already available that helps prove Untercots involvement.

The Fair

Before leaving for the fair, Verut, Corrigan, and Kerrick sit down to create a name for Corrigan's invention. Kerrick comes up with F.A.L.C.O.N. with some help.

The fair takes place in the Gate District and turns out to be a fairly colorful event. Three times as many concessioners show up as expected. As the fair kicks off, Kerrick walks around and collects registration fees from each concessioner, despite no fees being due. During this time, Kerrick realizes he should run for Council.


  • Mathematicians: Artificial eye, able to make far objects close (20 x 1).
  • First Repeating Heavy Crossbow with 6 bolt magazine.
  • Marquis Casper Highmoon makes his appearance around noon
  • Corrigan's speech applauding Highmoon & Emrock's greatness. Highmoon's founding by a scholar there to study the gate, and his followers who founded The University. Greatness has come from the people as indicated by the multitude of culture and origins.
  • F.A.L.C.O.N. Demonstration has the military's interest peaked.
  • Hummingbird I - A wizard providing the means for common man to fly through the design of an ornithopter. The device requires 2 hours of prep time for approximately 20 minutes of flight. The test results in a crash and burn after flying to a height of 50'.
  • New Talos - the first intelligent mechanical man. Designed and created by Heron, a gnomish wizard who barely stands 3' tall. He is from a far off land called Krinon***. Before introducing the constructs, he provides a stirring tale of a Giant god protecting the harbor of his homeland. The giant was defeated by a sly adversary who removed the plug from the giant's heel, releasing his life-force. This giant was named Talos. The four figures he reveals at the end of his speech are clearly made of metal. 1 Copper, 1 Brass, 2 Tin. They are clearly not golems, yet they do not require food or water and are capable of repairing themselves.

New Talos

To prove the worth of his new soldiers, Heron challenges New Warriors to a dual against his creation. Before beginning the duel, Heron introduces each of the creatures.
Kontaless - Brass
Pelops - Copper
Steveness - Tin
Morticay - Tin

Corrigan and Kerrick hatch a plan to take a dive during the battle. Verut ignores this advice.

Round 1
Verut Earth Shaking Rend hitting Tin 1 & Brass
Kerrick Misses Tin 2
Tin 1 Stands up and moves out of the difficult terrain
Tin 2 Misses Corrigan
Corrigan Casts sleep Brass, Copper, & Heron (miss)
Copper Fires bolt at Kerrick with secondary on Corrigan. Hits and knocks both prone
Fails save and falls asleep
Brass Crawls out - Fire affect on Verut, 5 on going.
Round 2
Verut Saves against ongoing, Misses Tin 1
Kerrick Prepatory Shot on Tin 2
Tin 1 Hits & marks verut
Tin 2 Hits Kerrick
Corrigan Summons maw to hit Tin 2
Copper Sleeping
Brass Misses Verut
Round 3
Verut Earthgrasp on Tin 1
Kerrick Bait & Switch on Tin 2, bloodied
Tin 1 Miss Verut
Tin 2 Miss Corrigan
Corrigan Moves away, takes hit
Maw hits Tin 2
Copper Sleeping
Brass Hits Verut with Burning hammer
Round 4
Verut Mt Thunder Atk, misses Tin, hits Brass
Kerrick Prepatory Shot on Copper
Tin 1 Hits Verut
Tin 2 Misses Maw
Corrigan Maw misses
Copper Hits Kerrick with a sphere of metal.
Brass Hits Verut
Round 5
Verut Miss
Kerrick Hit Copper
Tin 1 Hits Verut
Tin 2 Hits Maw, Corrigan removes the maw
Corrigan Thunder Wave hits Tin 2
Copper Hits Kerrick & Corrigan with Thunder Dmg
Brass Hits Verut

Kerrick and Corrigan both withdraw, Verut reluctantly follows suit.

Heron says these are the four best he has built. There are others, but none as well-built as these. None are able to create, nor make anything with any type of craft.

After Party

Corrigan asks if The New Talos would be interested in joining Sycron's Challenge. The one Corrigan is speaking to, wonders if there is anything similar. There is currently nothing that Corrigan knows of that even comes close.

Kerrick is off to hide, he's wanted over a missing urn, recommends Ellia, a kender.

The Next Challenge

Journey to Far off Lands for Long-Lost Items.
Headed to the Lawless North.

Seeking the Grove of Balder, where a single sprig of mistletoe grows each year with silver berries. This is descended from the mistletoe that felled a god.

There will be a 2nd Challenge Group to retrieve the same sprig of mistletoe.

OofM = Order of Merit
6 OofM for finding the Grove
4 OofM for retrieving the sprig
2 OofM for return of sprig to Highmoon
1 OofM bonus for best individual boast.

Provided 200 grown each for supplies.