
Second Group History

Faerie Groves

Wednesday 23 of December, 2009

Faerie Groves

Session Date: Session Date 12/23/2009

Game Date: August 4 to August 2 (read to find out why)

Current circumstances

The group is facing the following circumstances. a day
They must make it to Noldair to make reparations to the captain.
They would like to take out the Orchish stronghold in the Whitelands.
They have 6 weeks to make it to Noldair.

While still in Serin, the group buys an ion stone of Non-Breathing, making teleports easier since Rondax can hide in the bag of holding using the ion stone.

Teleports gone awry

The group attempts to teleport to the faerie grove. They hit their mark, but miss is completely by appearing on the faerie side where colors are more vibrant and the leaves possess a silver-tinge. Tyke decides to attempt a second teleport which pushes the group further underground, this time in the Unseelie Court. The sky is blue-black, the land is uninhabited and covered with skeletal trees. Rondas asks: Why are you not a good mage.

The Unseelie Court is comprised of winter faeries who relish in chaos. They are led by the Queen of Enchant Darkness.

The group is approached by a spindly tree creature who claims ownership over the group. Rondax quickly claims that he already owns the group. Spindly figures there is no contact between Rondax and the group and wants witnesses for the contract dispute.

The Bargain

Bono, using his Cloak of Charisma, bargains for a way home.

Prentice would lose his freedom for 7 days.
Sol would grant mercy to one target of Spindly's choosing.
Rondax proxy by JL who would kiss Spindly's daughter.
Bono would lose the use of his Earthgift.
JL would lose some of his knowledge.
Tyke ???

Or Trial by Swords which entails 6 champions + the kiss for Spindly's daughter (price for Herman).
Whoever falls remains in Fae.
1 Favor owed by the group to Spindly on Mortal World. This favor can not force any one in the group to break a vow, can not include tasks the group can not accomplish, can not force the group to harm one another. Spindly must present 3 options at once, and the group must accept one of those options. The group should have one month to prepare.

The groups has 8 hours of rest prior to the battle.

Trial by Swords

Spindly's champions

Nightmare (NM)
Giant Boar (GWB)
Dread Wraith


1 Round
Bono Cats Grace
NM Attacks Prentice
GWB Attacks Sol
Rondax attacks NM
Prentice Blade Barrier, hits all except GWB
Sol GWB, group realizes GWB has massive dmg reduction
Ogre 20 dmg from wall, hits Bono
Taneeri jumps to Rondax, casts Unholy Word, weakens and dazes JL, Sol, Rondax, and Bono
Naga 15 dmg from wall, casts a spell with no affect
Tyke empowered lightning strike
2 Round
Bono Web wand. Troll caught
NM takes 36 dmg from wall. escapes from all
GWB club/gore combination on Tyke
Rondax dazed
Prentice Attempted dismisall of Taneeri, Taneeri saved
Sol dazed
JL dazed
Troll no longer stuck by web, but trapped
Taneeri Bite & Claw vs Rondax, 22 dmg
Naga Attempted dispell, no affect
Tyke Lightning Curtain, across blade barrier.
Web goes up in flames.
GWB & Troll 21 dmg from Lightning.
JL Saves.
3 Round
Bono Move & Sneak attack on Nightmare
NM Kicks Prentice - 21 dmg
Bite Rondax - 13 dmg
GWB 14 Lightning Dmg from Lightning Curtain
Pushed Sol into wall
Crit by JL on aoa
Hit by Tyke on aoa
Rondax tripped Taneeri, 2nd claw hit, claw nightmare
Prentice dropped wall
JL hit GWB
GWB aoa on JL miss
Tyke aoa on GWB hits
Sol 2 hits on GWB
Troll hits Tyke, -4 hp
Taneeri teleport
Naga Lightning against Sol (39 pts) and Rondax(19 pts)
Tyke Down
4 Round
Bono 3 Sneak Attack, 1 hit, 31 dmg Nightmage
NM Crit vs Bono, 25 dmg
GWB clubbed JL, 19 dmg
Gored Sol, crit 9 dmg
Troll 9 dmg to Prentice
Rondax 3 hits, 26 dmg. 1 hit 7 dmg
Prentice mass heal, 18 hp
JL 31 dmg vs GWB
Sol 21 dmg bs GWB
Taneeri ----
Naga Magic Missile
Tyke Invisibility
5 Round
Bono 1 hit, kills NM
GWB Missed Tyke
Rondax Miss Trip, Miss Taneeri, Club
Prentice Flamestrike vs GWB 41 dmg, Dead
JL smite evil, 3 attacks, 26, 25, & 17 dmg
Sol charged Taneeri
Troll hit JL
Taneeri teleport, casts miasma
Naga Lightning bolt, JL & Prentice
Tyke Cone of Cold, Taneeri(31 dmg), Naga(15 dmg)
6 Round
Bono Sneak Atk Troll, 25 dmg
Rondax Trip Troll, 11 dmg
Sol throws oil on troll
JL laying on hands
Prentice flaming hands to troll, dead
Troll DEAD
Taneeri Blight entire party except Tyke, all saved
Naga Lightning - Prentice, Rondax, Bono
Tyke Explosive Fireball, Naga Dead, knocked Taneeri Prone
7 Round
Bono Sneak Atk Taneeri, 29 dmg, Dead

Group begins looking for the 6th of Spindly's champions. JL Approaches the corner of the arena.
1 Round Surprise
A cloak hits from out of the mist, 4 dmg, 2 Con.
2 Round
Cloak attacks JL a second time for 6 dmg and 7 Con.
Rondax jumps into the fray causing 11 dmg with a claw attack.
JL no action
Sol moves to JL
Bono gets one hit in
Prentice brings out the Orb of Light and throws it at the cloak causing 32 dmg
Tyke Magic Missile
3 Round
Cloak is in pain, no attack
Rondax 20 dmg
JL Stable condition
Sol Heal - 13 hp to JL
Bono misses
Prentice Holy Smite 17 dmg
Tyke 19 dmg
4 Round
Cloak 8 dmg, 5 con to Rondax
Rondax killed the cloak

None of the dead creatures have any treasure.

JL kisses Moira (spindly's daughter, pale white skin, black hair).


Tyke and Sol may be turning into Were-Boars
JL & Rondax both need Restoration spells to cover the lost Constitution, these spells usually cost 100 gp/casting).

Return to Mortal Realm

The group walks through the mist and returns to to the Mortal Realm in the Faerie Grove. The Grove Master is surprised, as is the group when they learn no time has passed, they actually gained two days.

The Group leveled.