
Second Group History

Orc Camp Prison Break

Friday 02 of April, 2010

Orc Camp Prison Break

Game Date: Aug 2nd
Session Date: Apr 2, 2010

The group spends the night in the Faerie Grove to recover. Bono spends some time getting to know his sword. It has had 16 previous owners. It was forged by a dwarf and imbued with magic by a wizard. It is an old weapon but has not been used in some time, most likely since the Melurbian King fell.

The orcs have declared Marshall Law in response to the recent spate of problems caused by the group and the Resistance.

Ingrid and the resistance is looking at breaking out 70 prisoners from the orcish prison camp which is guarded by 2 dozen orc/human guards. The camp is surrounded by palisades.

The group also considers going after the orcish stronghold containing 3 dozen orcs hidden behind thick stone walls, fortified with seige weapons. The stronghold will most likely send reinforcements when the attack on the prison camp becomes known.

The group decides to help Ingrid and concentrate on the prison camp in the hopes of getting everyone out prior to the reinforcements arriving.

The Plan

The plan is as follows:
The group will use Gaseous Form & Invisibility Sphere to sneak into the camp. Then work from the inside out.

The Resistance will make a assault on the front gates to free the prisoners.

Primary concern for both groups are the four Guard Towers.


The group moves into the camp, and places Fire Berries at the positions noted on the map (Towers, Barracks & Chapel). They expect to face approximately 24 orcs.

The group materializes as Tyke hits Guard Tower (1) with a Fireball. The camp's alarm goes off.

Round 1
Prentice Summons Celestial Elephant
Orcs come out of the barracks
Orc 10 Sol missed aoa
Orc 9 Sol & Rondax hit with aoa
Orc 2 No aoa
Round 2
Tyke Fireball Guard Tower (3)
Guard Tower (1) 19 dmg
Herman Bless
Bono Sneak Atk Orc 10, miss
Rondax Killed Orc 2 with club, claw, claw
Cleaved into Orc 9 and killed him as well
Elephant Atk Orc 1, Slammed Orc 2, Stamp Orc 1 who died
Prentice Fire berries. Guard Tower (4) burning
Barracks set ablaze Orc (10, 11, 12 (16 dmg))
Sword Orc Approaches and hits Rondax
War Priest Fireball Orc 8, 1, 6, 7, 11, 12 (36 dmg)
Sol Kills Orc 10
Orc Archers (2) 4 hits on Elephant
(2) Atk Sol & miss
(2) Atk Rondax and hit
(1) Atk Prentice
Orc Soldiers go after Elephant
JL Attacks cockatrice
Great Axe Orc hits Rondax
Cockatrice hit Sol (failed will save)
Round 3
Tyke Magic Missle Tower (3)
Herman Heals Rondax
Bono Cat's Grace, climbs up Barracks
Rondax Trips Great Sword Orc, 4 attacks follow up (30 dmg)
Elepant Trample 2, 3, 4 (1/2 dmg) - 1 of 3 aoa hit
Prentice Guard Tower (3) Flamestrike 48 dmg
Ingrid Blows camps gate
Great Sword Orc hits Rondax
Sol 1 hit on Cockatrice
Orc Archers (2) Elephant, no hits
(1) Bono, hit
(1) Prentice, hit
Orc Soldiers 2 & 5 hit Elephant
3 & 4 hit Elephant
Great Axe Orc 2 hits on Sol
Cockatrice moves away and takes aoa's from Sol and JL
Sol turns to Stone
hits JL
Warpriest Wretched Blight 62 dmg
stuns JL & Bono for 4 rounds
1/2 dmg to Rondax, Prentice, & Herman
JL Stunned
Round 4
Tyke Cast Disintigrate but missed. Distracts War Priest
Guard Tower (3) Falls
Herman Heals Rondax
Bono Stunned
Rondax Charges WP, 15 dmg
Prentice Cure Mass Moderate
20 fire dmg to tower
Elephant Stampede, kills 2 & 3
3 of 4 aoa hit, 15 dmg
Great Sword Orc moves
Sol Stone
Orc Archers Elephant 11 dmg
Prentice missed
Bono, critical hit, -1 hp
Orc Soldiers 2 attack Elephant
Great Axe Orc moves toward Prentice, took aoa hit for 4 dmg
attack misses
War Priest Moves away from Rondax
Spells Rondax who saves
JL Stunned
Round 5
Tyke Lightning Bolt War Priest, 36 dmg (1/2 dmg)
Herman Heal Bono
Bono Stunned
Rondax hit War Priest, 35/12/miss
Elephant kills 5, hits 4
Prentice 19 dmg to Guard Tower (4)
Break Enchantment to free Bono, Sol, & JL
Great Sword Orc Flanks Sol, 2 hits
Sol Kills Great Sword Orc, Cleaves into Orc 8
Orc Archers 2 hits on Tyke, counter Atk
Orc Soldiers Orc 4 1 hit on elephant, aoa from elephant kills 4
Great Axe Orc 2 hits on Prentice
War Priest hits Sol with a spell
JL hits Great Axe Orc
Round 6
Tyke Cone of Cold against Guard Tower (2), 1 dead
Herman Heal Bono
Bono Sneak Atk on Great Axe Orc, 25 dmg
Rondax hits War Priest for 31 dmg, and kills him
Reflecting Dmg Ability of War Priest dmg's party
Prentice Mass Heal
Elephant Moves
Sol Charges the Axe Orc
Orc Archer 2 hits on Sol, 1 on Elephant
Axe Orc Kills Sol
JL Laying of Hands -> Sol
Round 7
Tyke Lightning Bolt - takes out 2 archers
Herman Heals Rondax, +11 hp
Bono Full Atk Great Axe Orc, 1 of 2 hit
Rondax Boomerang atk, kills 2 archers
Prentice Kills Great Axe Orc
Elephant Sent back
Sol Dieing
JL Uses Dimension Door to get him and Sol out

Tyke loots the storage area
Herman takes the Dimension Door
Bono climbs out of the rubble and loots the Chapel
Rondax loots the bodies
JL heals Sol

Last Archer disappeared.


From the loot:
2 Black candles with gold holders (candles are magical)
4 Incense burners
1 Box Exotic Incense (magical)
Ritual Dagger (magical)
Spell Book, small
Small Locked Trunk, 700 Gagnerian Marks

(Great Sword Orc)
Great Sword (magical)
Light Plate Mail
Warhammer (magical)
Hvy Gold Ring with 18 Tiny diamonds (magical)
Ring of Heavy Keys
Unholy symbol of Dukash
2 sealed Flasks
(War Priest)
Breast Plate (magical)
Wand, unkown power (magical)
Scroll, sealed in Bone Tube
Red Cloak of Dukash (magical)

Tyke (Armory)
Greatsword (6) Lt. Crossbows (2) Quivers (30 arrows)
Craghammer (4) Hvy. Crossbows (4) Chain Shirts
Lt. Flail (2) Cases of bolts(50 bolts) (2) Breast Plates
(8) Longbows Large Shield

The group returned to the Grove. Sol's shield arm is useless from the last hit by the orc with the Great Axe. His shield is in no better shape. Ingrid lost 1 fighter and 1 prisoner during the raid, 2 other prisoners were turned to stone. Rondax was hit with a dieing curse by the War Priest.

Ingrid declares that Dierthane wants to be free, the resistance will remove all orcish influence. The populace will fight and the orcs can not maintain control.

Ingrid returns with three people when the group requests to speak to some of the alchemists.
Albert Brecht
Theoprostus Brecht


From the alchemists the group learns that the orcs had multiple alchemists working on the same formulae. Albert was testing materials' resistance to the fire compound. Theo was working with the Kawaneze fire makers, combining the firepowder with a white powder to control/temper the explosion. Both were removed from the project and jailed when they attempted to compare notes.

The Alchemists were overseen by *Grimlash*, a tribal orc with an understanding of alchemy.

A long discussion followed on morality.

Ingrid tells of her father's catpure by the orcish army. Both Ingrid and her brother were captured when the city was taken, since her father would not abdicate the throne.

An old turnkey in the palace let her out. She then freed her brother and the two of them went to their father, who led them out of the dungeon. He jumped into the surf among broken rocks and began swimming north.

The Royal family can not reveal the location of the crown jewels due to an enchantment, but she does not believe it is out of hiding.

She has not had any contact with the southern cities. The northern tribes are at war with one another, yet they may be able to help disrupt the orcish supply lines. She knows her brother is with the Southern Resistance fighting against the orcs.

She would like to speak with the Baron, but rejects his proposal (as offered by Jean-Luc). She believes the Baron should not meddle in her affairs.

The group teleports out of Dierthane with a quick stop in Serinn to drop off the alchemists before continuing on to visit with the Baron.