
New Warriors History

Northlands Pt6

Thursday 03 of November, 2011

The Northlands Pt 6

From the Grove

After spending a quiet night resting around the World's Tree, the group awakens. Their first order of business is finishing the bag of holding, made from dragon scales and twine from the World's Tree. Once the ritual is complete, the scales within the bag spell out northern runes. As they depart, the group leaves the Silver Sickle on the cliff, unharassed by the eagles. They pass through the crevasse without incident. Once to the river, they make use of water breathing to flow with the currents to a better location. Corrigan's phantom steeds carry the group from the river towards the gate through the remainder of the day and into the night.

The Ravens

As the group sets up camp on an open hill, they are swarmed by an Unkindness of Ravens.

S - - - -
Ravens 5 dmg to Perazada, Verut, Corrigan - all blinded
- - - -
1 - - - - 2
Verut defends Corrigan - - - - Arrinids vanishes after a taunt
Ravens squawk - Corrigan & Verut 10 psychic - - - - Alfhilder Hits Perazada (9), Corrigan(12)
Ellia Hawk in song, 13 pyshic dmg, swarm moves up - - - - AP: Hail stones on Ellia, Corrigan, Verut
reveals 2 women in feathered cloaks - - - - Ellia hits Alfhilder, 15 psychic, (5hp on hits)
Ravens hit Verut, blinded - - - - Ravens miss Corrigan, hit Verut
countered by Ellia's satire, scattered swarm - - - - Corrigan Fire - hits both Ravens and Arrindis
Corrigan Summon imp, hits Alfhildr - - - - Perazada Hit Alfhilder
imp hits Arrindis, dmg + poison ongoing - - - - Verut misses with fire ball from alcohol
Perazada holds, can't see the women - - - -
- - - -
3 - - - - 4
Arrinids (5 dmg ongoing) 2 Miss on Corrigan. Svs vs dmg - - - - Arrindis Vanishes
Alfhilder Hit imp, 15 dmg - - - - Alfhilder Hits Verut, 11 dmg
Ellia Healing word Verut, Prop Strike Alfhilder (8 d) - - - - Ellia Hit Alfhinder
Ravens Hit Corrigan - - - -
Corrigan Thunderwave ravens - - - - Corrigan Diplomacy check
imp Flank & hit Alfhilder (9 dmg, poison) - - - - imp moves towards Alfhilder
Perazada Misses Alfhilder but knocks her prone - - - - Perazada Hits Alfhilder, 8 dmg
Verut Crit - 30 dmg - - - - Verut Charges Alfhilder, hits
5 - - - - 5
Arrindis hit Corrigan, 16 dmg, dazed, ongoing 5 - - - - Arrindis Vanishes
Alfhinder hits Verut 11 dmg - - - - Alfhinder Storm - hits Verut & Imp 10 cold, immobilized
Ellia misses, healing word Perazada - - - - Ellia Alfhinder: Vic Mockery, 12 dmg, Jinx Short 11 dmg
History check: Women are agents of Odin - - - - Corrigan Perception chk - failed
Corrigan Diplomacy - written word binds - - - - imp hit Alfhinder, 9 dmg, 5 poison
imp hits Alfhilder 9 dmg, poison - - - - Perazada hit Alfhinder, 10 dmg (puts her at -9)
Perazada hit Alfhinder, 8 dmg - - - - Verut heal Alfhinder
Verut 2x miss, used AP - - - -

Promise made to Arrinder by Corrigan, written as they bargained.

The Gate

From their position on the hill, the group can see the Gate. They also notice the other group camped out nearby. Ellia rides her steed out to the far side of their camp and lights a couple of smokesticks. The hope is to draw the group away from the gate.

As Ellia circles back towards the gate and passes by the camp, she is spotted by the dwarf. As she continues to approach, she realizes that there are still 3 members of the group at the gate. She speak with the dwarf and asks to speak with Triabar, the paladin. Ellia demands assurances that they won't attempt to kill us this evening or on the morrow. Triabar swears the same on his religion.

As the groups gather, Triabar reveals that they had been to the grove and returned to the gate with fairies. They want to trade information for the mistletoe as they are in need of the merits.

We agree to share information concerning the individual or individuals out for Perazada...exact details will wait until all are back in Highmoon.

Corrigan opens the gate, the New Warriors pass through, then Triabar's band.

Merits are rewarded by Sycron, New Warriors recieved 7.