The Northlands Pt.1

Wednesday 09 of March, 2011

The Northlands Pt.1

The group finds itself on the top of a gently rising, flat-top hill. The Ship of Stone is visible in the distance. The air is crisp and cold. There's approximately 3" of snow on the ground, and a group of angry dwarves is approaching from the base of the hill. The group discusses their options concerning the dwarves.

Ellia decides she is going to challenge the dwarves to a riddle, and they listen to her. The group takes note of the dwarves appearance, unkept, mismatched, and disturbing; an absolute rabble. The dwarves miss Ellia's riddle, the answer was Snow. They return with a riddle, Ellia guesses the answer as Fire and is correct. In response for winning the riddle battle, Ellia demands a prophecy. Preposterous is ordered to provide the prophecy, which claims that our leader is two men, warns the group to beware the raven with two talons for she is watching us since the gift belongs to her son, she will come before the cock crows.

Death to the Dwarves

At the point the discussion degenerates and Corrigan tips the scales from discussion to battle when he blasts an outcropping from the hill side, pushing it towards the dwarves. The falling boulder kills Demented.
Corrigan Incendiary Blast, hits 3
2 Slashers both miss Ellia
2 Angry 1 hit Verut
Verut hit both slashers
Perisada hit 1 slasher
Daff(leader) hit Perizada
Gaze dominates Perizada
2 Angry dwarves die from Incendiary Blast
Corrigan Foreflower burst 3 power, missed both targets
2 Slashers Both hit Verut
Verut Earth Shaking Rend, 2 hit
Perizada throws her sword
Daff Misses Perizada
Dominates Verut
Corrigan Fire Blast, hit 1
Slashers 1 miss Corrigan, 1 hit Perizada
Ellia Theft of Life
Verut 11 dmg to ellia
Perizada 12 dmg to Slasher
Daff Misses Corrigan
Dominates Verut
Corrigan Thunderwave, killing Preposterous
Slasher hit Perizada (12 dmg) named Irrational
Ellia Jinx shot on Irrational
Verut 10 dmg to Ellia
Perizada hits Irrational
Daff ???
Corrigan Magic Missile on Daff
Irrational Misses
Ellia hits Irrational
Verut misses, Ellia takes free attack and hits
Perizada kills Irrational
Daff Dazed & Dominated Verut
Corrigan Ghost Sound to Ellia
Ellia misses with Vicious Mockery
Verut misses Ellia
Perizada ???
Daff hit Perizada
Charges Corrigan & misses
Corrigan Thunderwave hits Daff
Ellia Crit Viscious Mockery
Verut miss
Perizada moves away
Daff hit Ellia
Corrigan M. Missile
Ellia 13 dmg
Verut hit Daff
Perizada returns
Daff Misses Verut
Dominates Perizada
Corrigan Thunderwave, 11 dmg to Daff
Ellia miss
Verut miss
Perizada throws sword
Daff Dominates Verut
Corrigan M. Missile for 9
Ellia Crits Viscious Mockery
Verut Runs after Ellia
Perizada retrieves sword
Daff Charges Ellia
Corrigan M. Missile kills Daff

Dwarven Loot

371 gp 8 warhammers 4 chain mail
1 Seax 1 Magical Seax 2 scram a seax
Fat gold ring Bronze Torque Jewelled warhammer
+2 Chainmail 7 Rings from Thanes Pouch of junk
Blass Bottle (bright, magical) Copper Ring (Magical Tattoo, Bonded Defense)

Ellia can now boast of matching riddles with angry dwarves, she also picks up the +2 chainmail.

Perizada tries on the copper ring to find it provides a Magical Tattoo of Bonded Defense. The entire group gets one, with one rune remaining.

The Ride

Corrigan casts Phantom Steed, providing the group with steeds possessing a move of 15 and the ability to ignore difficult terrain.

The group rides through the day, making it to the Ship of Stone in the early evening. They find remnants of old camps and notice smoke rising near the mountains, the river, and near the Ship of Stone.

Ellia and Verut climb to the top of the Ship of Stone to take a look around. At the head, they find a young human woman, wearing a feather cloak, apparently waiting for something or someone. She says she's disappointed in what she sees. Grandfather did not tell her why she should wait here. Ellia tells the raven woman about the mistletoe and the prophecy. She tells Verut that Grandfather Woden looks out for those who deserve it, and wishes for him to lead the group astray so they do not find the mistletoe. She transforms into a flock of ravens and flies off.

Ellia and Verut see a clear area to the North with building and another area with standing stones before returning to the base to let everyone know what happened.

The group heads east to investigate the signs of fire and discover a path before coming across a Mead Hall decorated with ornamental shields.

Thoren Vasterson is thane of the hall and surrounding lands. He allows entry and provides the group with food and drink in exchange for stories.

11,950 total exp
