

Location Item Value Notes
Total Value
Noldair - Warehouse Cask/Crystal Box, Swirling Gold Light, Conj Magic, Bound Spirit
Dz Wine Bottles
Dz smaller bottles
Silver Sceptre, blue stone (NM) 1500
3 Dz Ivory Tusks 60 gp / each
6 Bronze Boxes
Noldair - Museum
3 pieces of amber (insect)
2 Copper Khopesh (M)
Falx (M)
Y'len 'Lar, Elven Blade (M)
Dz. Khopesh
3 Dz. Daggers
Dz. Gladius Swords
6 Maces
8 Hammers
4 Hand-ax
3 Battle-ax
3 Great Ax
2 Pole Ax
Halberd cross Polearm
Horn Bow
Quiver of Arrow Heads
Scale Mail
Chain Mail
Breast Plate
Banded Mail
Shields ??
Noldair - Nagas
Jewelled Electrum Crown 5000
Head of Bull Amulet +2 Con, This was going to Herman or Prentice
Coil of Copper Wire .08
Blue Quartz 8
Silver Pitcher 80
Adamantium Battle Ax 3000
Noldair - Nartia Temple
6 Farisian Texts
1 Jug Liquid Darkness
1 Jug Rose Water
1 Jug Holy Oil
1 Jug Wine
1 Jug Dissolve Gold
1 Jug Oil of Fiery Burning
1 Silver Bound Book w/ Lock
1 Hvy Metal Scrollcase
8 Old Nartian Robes
2 Old Elaborate Holy Books
2 Staves
2 Wands
1 Silver Chalice
1 Gold Chalice
3 Scrolls (M)
1 Wizard Hat (M)
1 Box Ivory Dominoes
1 Box Incense
2 Boxes Old Candles Blue/White
1 Highly Polished White Skull (M)
1 Gold Incense Burner
1 Copper Wand
Belt Buckles
Noldair - Beholder
Potions: Dark Red, Blue, Clear
1 Sack Beholder Fungus
10 pc Beholder Jewelry
1 Metal Book, Beholder etched
1 Suit Plate Mail (Archaic)
1 Crystal Sphere, grapefruit size, blue light
1 Silver Rope (M), climb to clouds
1 Baby Beholder, dead
1 Bad Glowing Yellow Fungus
2 Lamps (M) I believe this is a matching pair
1 oil brazier
20 Gold/Silver Lamps
2 Huge Scimitars
1 Bronze Khopesh
1 Bronze Tooth Crown (M)
Noldair - Library
9 Texts of Dwarven Theology
Flight of Dragons
Known Wyrms of the North
Dragon Species Guide - Mad Lead
Dragon Species Guide - Crystal
Dragon Species Guide - Steel
Dragon Species Guide - Copper
Comprehensive Future of Noldair
Old Britigine Prayer Book
Peerage Listing of Noldair
Codex - Path of Shadows
Orcish Ethnography
Spell Book from Westeria - Brass
