Blog: Second Group History
Description: Contains the exploits and adventures of Second Group.
Created by blacksol on Sat 07 of Feb, 2009 23:51 EST
Last post Thu 04 of Mar, 2021 21:55 EST
(29 Posts | 8112 Visits | Activity=2.00)

Noldair - 7

Saturday 28 of March, 2015

2015-03-28 2nd Group
Finish conversion to 5E.
Identify magic items in possession:
Clock of the Manta Rey
Dead Evil count startin @65. Need 35 more to make amends.

Group needs to decide on where to go next, the Ashen or Shattered District.

Bono asks Dionibus for info on the Shattered District. Also asks if there's anything that Dionibus would like to have done.
Dionibus's response is a stone that he would like to have placed on the Blue Alter.

With that information, the group decides to head to the Shattered District. The doppleganger warns the group that all who go there lose their sanity. Everyone changes to some degree.

There are some salvoes fired between the various groups & leaders in Noldair. Most of these are well planned, few & far between.


It's a windy day in Noldair; dry & arid.

Rubble levels increase as the group approaches the Shattered District. No attempt has been made to clean up anything. It's apparent that none of the citizens of Noldair want anything to do with the Shattered District.

The group approaches a curtain wall, sections of the wall still remain at the original 35' high. Now chunks of the wall are missing. The group finds an arch that leads through the wall, with unreadable test above the arch.

Once through the wall, it looks like an explosion destroyed everything in the area. There is more plant life in the area compared to the rest of Noldair.

The group looks for other paths, not the original road. Rondax thinks he sees something. Rondax and Bono follow the "path."

Tyke and Sol work to uncover a blue tile mosaic.

Rondax and Bono find a faded slab of blue stone, possibly the alter. An alter to Nartan; the moon god, magic. The top of the alter is clear of most rubble. Traces of wax on the alter.

The stone from Dionibus is a blood stone, often used as a binding point for spirits in necromatic rituals.
Bono places the Blood stone on the alter. A spark of light within the stone accompanied by a small spike in magic.
The relief carved in the alter seems to grow more defined. The alter seems to clean itself. Scenes and inscriptions previously worn bare reappear, explosing the scene of a funeral.

Back at the mosaic, Sol & Tyke realize this was likely an indoor bath house. Prentice gets an idea of the lay of the land. Finds an area recessed into the ground. He starts finding bones, dwarven bones. The bones were not properly buried, but Sol can't understand why the bones didn't turn. While digging, Sol finds a bronze collar or torc, most likely insignia of some sort. The torc either lost or was stripped of the stones.

At the alter, glowing lines start showing up around the edges of the alter. The light is not seen by Rondax. The alter lid shifts, a skeletal hand, rises up from the alter. The hand grabs ahold of the stone and pulls it into the grave. The skeleton rises up, still in possession of a few wisps of hair. The raiments worn by the deceased has disintegrated. The skeleton stands in the crypt.

Sol hears a voice from the Torc, expressing a desire to be worn. Sol resists for the time being.

Rondax's whistle is heard. Group starts moving towards the alter.

Bono realizes that the skeleton has placed the blood stone in it's skull. The skull speaks in a dry, raspy voice.
Bono tells the skeleton that he placed the blood stone. The skeleton pulls a bronze sceptor from the crypt. It's intentions are not clear. Bono double checks the paper that allows him to communicate with Dionibus...nothing new at this time.
As the group makes it's way towards Bono, Rondax, and the skeleton, Sol slips.
Rondax moves towards the skeleton.

Bono attempts to control the skeleton in Dionibus' name. The skeleton grabs Bono, dealing 4 dmg while reducing his maximum hp by the same.
Rondax: charges the skeleton, hitting twice. 14 & 17 dmg.
Skeleton: swings the sceptre at Rondax, fails save and goes flying. 22 dmg
Bono fails to escape, but then steals the blood stone back with some quick hands.

Tyke loots the crypt finding some golden thread, a marble plaque, and a bronze box to hold the sceptre.

A spectral figure appears behind Prentice. The figure is not a spectre or wraith. It could be a ghost and if so, it must be bound here for some purpose.

Prentice tries common then dwarven.
The figure finally speaks.
"Broke the walls and seige of 100 days. About to capture Noldair. Nobility was still celebrating, did not defend themselves.
Then it came and burned, so much heat. Burning of self."
Those burned here are stuck in time.
Those who remember will come when the living are near.
They want to let the living share that experience.

She will show us her remains so she can be put to rest. Her path is not open, not easily travelled. She heads into a pile of rubble. Need to climb over it. Her bones lie in a fissure, 25'-30' down. Rondax tosses down a lit torch.
The group climbs down into the crevisse. Dwarven vaulting is seen in the tunnels. The tunnels are into the under layments to the city. The tunnels make use of the city's sewer system...which still looks to be in good shape.

The group heads down the tunnel. They hear a sound from further down the tunnel. A section of the sewer wall has been broken, signs of a slithering creature. Definitely a sappers tunnel, from the dwarven invasion.
The sounds of a scream comes from the sewer. Prentice senses something in the sappers tunnel. A jumble of remains down the tunnel. Half a dozen human skeleton with a dozen dwarves.

The group takes the five female dwarven skeletons. A rumble comes from the sewer. A creature moves towards the crevisse the group came down into.

No signs of the slithering creature in the sappers tunnel, possibly due to its restricted height.

Approximatley a quarter mile down the tunnel, but the group isn't sure how far they need to travel. A little further down, the tunnel dead ends. The group is approximately 40' underground.
With the way blocked, the group heads back. They hear marching from the sewer. Sounds like the footsteps are coming towards the group.
The group makes ready for the squad of dwarven ghosts. The sword is not glowing, a sign that the ghosts are not evil.

First Battle
Both Sol and Rondax are hit, fail their saves and fade out.

The remaining members of the group kills the dwarves. JL realizes the ghosts are trapped in time, the time of their death.
Their touch results in a phantom shift, drawing touched creatures into the world which the ghosts are reliving.
Only known by those who have returned.
The only way to break out of the past is to break the fate of the ghosts.
For a proper burial of the dwarves, they would need a dwarven priest.

Second Battle
Herman allows himself to be grabbed by the ghosts.
Remaining group finishes off the Second Group of dwarves.

Group heads back up the tunnel. Collects the skeletons and heads back to the surface. The female ghost is waiting at the top of the crevasse. She wonders why the group is back. They were supposed to go back to stop the fire.
They discuss repercussions of going back in time. How much time will they have in the past. Are they certain they will return? Also not sure if they will be in actual time or in Phantom time.
The trapped only live one day.

The group agrees to go back, and the ghost sends them on their way.
