Quick notes concerning Sol's History Characters >  Sol Blackstar

Sol's History

From newest back(1) .

Post Session: March 2009

Due to the problems encountered with orcs due to Sol's heritage, he is bowing to the group's recommendation of taking a pseudonym in those areas where the orc presence may cause issues for the group. The name is Theros Stonebiter, family was originally from Dol Geldar but migrated to city in Irelia, and then to Serinn when Dol Geldar was last abandoned by clan Blackstar (generations ago, not recently). During his time away from Second Group in Serinn, Sol shaved his head to give the new identity a chance to take on a life of its own.

Session: March 2009 (The End of Powder)

During this session Sol was badly burned by an exploding barrel of fire powder. This will have serious lasting implications for Sol. The burns cover most of his inner right arm, the right side of his neck, and up the back of his head. More pressing for the dwarf is the fact that most of his beard was completely burned off.


  1. Backfilling as time permits. Blog post title in ()
  2. Theros Stonebiter was the dwarf buried alive by the necromancer during 2009 Halloween. Sol promised Theros that his name would not be forgotten.
  3. Irelia: City from 2009 Halloween Session
  4. Fire Powder: equivalent to black powder

Created by blacksol. Last Modification: Friday 06 of January, 2012 03:06:47 EST by blacksol.