Blog: General Announcements
Description: Blog for General Announcements for Library of Highmoon.
Created by blacksol on Sat 07 of Feb, 2009 23:46 EST
Last post Tue 31 of Mar, 2020 23:10 EDT
(23 Posts | 2652 Visits | Activity=2.00)

Map of Highmoon

The Map of Highmoon is now available. Just search for Highmoon since I'm not sure if its linked from anywhere. If someone could fix up the text following the image, it would be appreciated. Also if there are no links to the page, please let me know.


I finished the migration of the footnotes. As I previously stated, I was using Personal Footnotes which are only visible to the individual that creates the footnotes.

I would like to know if everyone's preference on the My Footnotes section available for each page. Should I leave it, or make it go away. I can see a use for it in the future, yet I also see potential problems where the author of the footnotes believes the notes are visible to all, but are actually hidden.

Let me know your thoughts.

Dwarf Group history

I moved the entire history of the Dwarf Group into its own blog. This means I now longer have to worry about maintaining the Dwarf Group on Yahoo.

With the tools currently available through the wiki, we should be able to find a solution that works for us here. The first thing that comes to mind is using a forum for any online campaigns that crop up, starting with the Dwarf Group. The other option I can think of is using the blog, which may get a little tedious.

Histories Completed

Just as the title says. I completed the histories for all campaigns that currently maintain some form of history. I ignored all inactive campaigns. If you are involved in a campaign and would like a blog created to track the history of the campaign, let me know.

A couple of minor changes

I brought back the Adsense banner. Its placement is currently on the right hand side with a couple of options to hide it. Either Show/Hide Right Menus in the upper right hand corner or the Min/Max Arrow on the module itself.

While I have yet to receive a check from Google for the ads, it is my hope that as the ads become more relevant to the content of the pages, we may actually start clicking on some of them.

For those with limited or no web page development. Search engines use several parts of a site for indexing. One that I originally over-looked when developing the wiki is called Meta-Tags or Meta-Data(1). Currently I have the following Meta-Tags created: D&D, gaming, role-playing, if there are any others that you believe should be included in the list, please post them as comments to this entry.

To aid in the second part, I have also enabled Free Tags(2). Not every page will need or should be tagged in this manner, but it will help with the ads. At the same time it will also provide another means of finding information once I enable an additional module or two that will use the Tags to categorize the pages. These Tags are included in the Meta-Tags for the page on which they appear, or the entire site (not sure atm). I'm currently not sure if Category names should be used as tags or not, more to come on that later.

  1. Data about the Data
  2. Folksonomy

Articles Complete

I finished migrating the Fiction section to Articles. The exception to this is ((Lennon "Beetle" McCarthy)). Several of the now Articles need cleaned up due to formatting changes between HTML and wiki, for instance
[...] creates links and *** attempts to start an unordered list. I will attempt to get to these as time allows.

I'm not sure if I should add the additional character bio pages as Fiction or not. If Adam wants these pages listed on the Fiction's page, they'll need an additional category of Fiction or a subcategory under Fiction assigned.

I have also began the arduous task of finding all the pages with Footnotes since I did not check the My Footnotes details closely enough. Since I entered all footnotes under the section my footnotes, no one except for myself can see this information. All of the articles have been corrected except for a few that what should have been footnotes as part of the text (Twilight Times for example).

In other news
Histories are almost complete. New Warriors and Orange group's are still in need of attention. I should be getting to those this week sometime.

Adam, in case you're wondering, I added a watch for your account on the General Announcements blog.

Sorry for any problems

I tried enabling Search Engine Friendly URL's and it apparently broke all the page links, including the menu.

I have disabled the Friendly URL's and everything is back to normal. Wish I would have thought about that prior to going through and modifying the menu links.

FAQ Enabled

I enabled FAQ's and created the first one, available from the Menu bar as Library Help.

Feel free to post questions as you discover anything confusing or need clarification. Also feel free to post answers to any existing questions if you feel you know the answer.

In the hopes of clarification

I moved the Tiki Menu on the right hand side down to the bottom position in the hopes of bringing attention to the Top Menu Bar.

The Menu Bar should provide links to the most commonly used information and will probably receive a make-over once everything is reorganized to our liege's desires.

The Tiki Menu provides access to default section views, advanced features, and rarely used features.


I have removed the email validation step for the wiki. However, to avoid any possible problems by random people signing up and modifying anything, I added administrator validation. I'm still in the process of trying to figure out if the original validation emails went out or if they were lost somewhere in the mix.
