Articles Complete

I finished migrating the Fiction section to Articles. The exception to this is ((Lennon "Beetle" McCarthy)). Several of the now Articles need cleaned up due to formatting changes between HTML and wiki, for instance
[...] creates links and *** attempts to start an unordered list. I will attempt to get to these as time allows.

I'm not sure if I should add the additional character bio pages as Fiction or not. If Adam wants these pages listed on the Fiction's page, they'll need an additional category of Fiction or a subcategory under Fiction assigned.

I have also began the arduous task of finding all the pages with Footnotes since I did not check the My Footnotes details closely enough. Since I entered all footnotes under the section my footnotes, no one except for myself can see this information. All of the articles have been corrected except for a few that what should have been footnotes as part of the text (Twilight Times for example).

In other news
Histories are almost complete. New Warriors and Orange group's are still in need of attention. I should be getting to those this week sometime.

Adam, in case you're wondering, I added a watch for your account on the General Announcements blog.
