Noldair - 6

Friday 05 of September, 2014

Noldair - 6

Research Mythrocrax

Group is researching how to go about defeating Mythrocrax. Trying to determine if they should use Guile and Cunning or Brute Force.

From the books, they know that he likes to attack from above, has the ability to spider climb, is unusually stealthy for a creature his size, enjoys illusions, and is more athletic than most dragons.
In addition, this type has two breath weapons, a cloud of slow and a line of acid. As per most dragons, he will also have a nasty bite, claw, wings, tail combination if he's actually forced into melee combat.
They also learn that these dragons like to throw opponents, just to make them go through the breath weapons again...if their opponents survive the toss.
To further complicate matters, they're immune to acid, holds, and paralysis. To provide an even more advantages, he also has some earth based powers including stone shape, transmute rock to mud, move earth, and wall of stone.

Most of his type are also ecclectic spell casters with no known source of spell casting ability. While possessing the standard dragon magic restistance, some resistance to non-magical weapons, and most likely possesses some damage reduction due to his size and age (approximately 20 HD).
They also seem to be deeply covetous of their horde of gold and gems.

Heading out

Rondax likes to have his belly rubbed: asks Tyke.

The group decides to take a trip to the N.E. of Noldair. They need to determine where Mythrocrax is located. Before heading there, they pass by the Palace...want to see if he's moved in yet.
The group can't identify any changes to the outside of the palace. They head inside and find the cieling missing several support columns and most of the interior walls have been removed. They do not leave the treasure promised to Mythrocrax, but continue on into the Restored Quarter. It looks better than most of the city, but still not quite inhabited.

They hear sounds up ahead. Rondax thinks he sees something to the east. The group approaches a fork in the road and head to the right, not able to see any signs of movement through the area.

As they travel down the road, they notice one of the buildings looks to have been reinforced.
They then notice a tall creature watching over them from across the road, holding a large longbow. The creature is covered with dark, mottled, moss-green skin with gangly arms and legs.

Rulthek approaches. Requests to know our business, wants to know if we paid our obeyences.

The group asks obeyence to who? Rulthek states, his group ignores both the beholder and the formians. Admits they are afraid of the dragon, but they pay their allegience to the Princess in the Tower.

After some discussion, Rulthek realizes that JL is the offspring of one who killed Rulthek's ancestor. A blood-debt exists between them. Rulthac claims that JL's ancestor arrived and started looting the city, killing those who stood in his way. An argument over ownership and ancestry ensues and quickly degenerates into combat (once JL realizes that Trolls are evil).

1 2
Trolls 2 vs Tyke, both hit 19 dmg Trolls Tyke, 1 hit, 11 dmg
1 vs Prentice, 9 dmg Prentice, 2 hit, 24 dmg
1 vs JL, 21 dmg JL, 2 hit, 20 dmg
1 vs Rondax, 10 dmg Rondax, 2 hit, 9 dmg
1 vs Sol, miss Tyke Lightning Curtain, 3 hits, 19 dmg
Tyke Coat of Arms Rondax 3 hits, 33 dmg
Rondax 3x Trip , all failed Prentice Summons Eagle @ Rulthek
Prentice Flaming Sphere, 1 hit Sphere
Sol 3 hit, 52 dmg (1 crit) Sol Charge, 23 dmg
Bono 1 crit, 29 dmg Bono hit, 32 dmg
Rulthek 1 vs JL, 21 dmg Rulthek JL, 1 hit, 20 dmg
JL 3 hit, 22 dmg JL Lance, 15 dmg
Herman magic stones, 13 dmg Herman Missed with Doom
3 4
Trolls Sol miss Trolls Dead
1 vs Tyke miss, took opp Atk for 7 dmg
1 vs Prentice, miss
Tyke 1 hit, 7 dmg Tyke Magic missile, Rulthek
Prentice Fireball, 39 dmg Rondax coup'd'grace
Eagle, 1 hit, 9dmg Prentice Sphere - Rulthek, 6 dmg
Sphere, sv Eagle misses
Sol 1 hit, 14 dmg (dead), Cleave, 19 & 18 dmg Sol coup'd'grace, past curtain
Rondax Chrg, 9 dmg, Boomerang shot (dead) Bono hides, moves forward
Cleave, 8 dmg (dead) Rulthek 3 hits, Rondax, 39 dmg : escapes to top of building.
Bono Coup'd'grace JL Dimension door, follows Rulthek
Rulthek 25 dmg to eagle Herman Ray of Hope
JL Heal
Herman Heal
Tyke Magic missile, 15 fire dmg
Rondax Jumps up to building.
Prentice Eagle grapples
Sol No shot
Bono Dark bolt, 3 dmg
Rulthek 15 dmg to Rondax
JL Smite, 26 dmg + 17 + 37 (dead)

For those keeping score, that is now 44 kills accomplished by the group on their way to repaying their blood debt to the traders.

As the group gets off the roof, Mithocrax appears on the next roof. He congratulates the group on a job well done. Wants us to gather the trolls' gold and other treasure.
He reveals that the former "Stormslayer" in the city was there for Historical research. The group heals itself and then searches the houses. Everything found, goes to Mithocrax. JL discusses blood-debts with the Troll hag. Once the treasure is collected, Mithocrax takes the treasure back to his hoard.

Rondax: Track
Sol: Dungeoneering
Bono: Search
Prentice: Religion

Total Result: 8 killed, now at 52

Mithocrax shows up on occasion to collect "his" treasure over the next three days. Tyke tries out Wings of Iron.

The group is still unable to identify exactly where his hoard is located. After Tyke follows him back to the Restored District, Tyke believes that his hoard is located in or under on building. However, Mithocrax is working to renovate the Palace.

The Dragon War???

Tyke notices a battle going on.
Prentice sends off the Air Elemental.
Tyke notices Mithocrax flying in.
Attempts to cast Wings of Iron on Mithrocrax and fails 3 times.

After landing, Mithocrax asks what the group is doing. Tyke is then told to investigate the other battle.
The Air Elemental reports back that the human band defeated a group of Reptile men.

That evening the group moves to just outside the Palace to setup camp.

The next day, waiting for Mithocrax at the Palace, the group is hiding in the stable. As the group spots him flying towards the Palace, Tyke again tries Wings of Iron. Two attempts failed to pass through Mithocrax's SR, the third he saved against.

Mithocrax is intrigued by our actions, he believes the group is not agreeable to the terms of their "employment."

JL tells Mith that the group is giving him the opportunity to modify the terms.
Rondax asks that the group and Mith part ways and leave each other alone.
Mith wants the group to leave the city. JL counters with a claim of dominion over the city.
JL then precedes to give a speech to "Noldair" in an attempt to keep people out of the "battle".

Both sides agree to the group stayin in the city for 10 more days. During which time, the group will collect what it can from the two districts. Mith then wants his share of the treasure.
Mith wants the group to remain at the warehouse for the duration. He has agents in both districts and the group should not damage them unless they come after the group.

Bono had transformed into a 1/2 dragon at the beginning of the encounter and remained hidden. On return to human form, he keeps one steel fingernail.

1. Make Mithocrax's gold disappear. Most likely require the group to tunnel underneath the Palace and come up beneath the hoard.
2. Then realized the group has a pot of "Dissolve Gold". Not entirely sure what the end result is.
