Spiders & Meeting the Resistance

Friday 26 of December, 2008

Spiders & Meeting the Resistance

Game Date:
Session Date: 2008 December 26


The group discusses the possible source and type of spiders that visited the night before. The possibilities are:

Bono's Job Interview

After the discussion, Bono headed off to see Harold Silverspear about the alchemical position. As part of the interview process, Bono had to create an alchemical torch, which he accomplished using some magic. He was hired by Silverspear and was provided a room at the Red Clay Roof Inn. During the hiring process, Bono goes through a couple of names starting with Bepob Houndstonge and ending with Frederich Mercury.

1! The Docks
While Bono was off applying for the alchemical position, Rondax and ))Jean-Luc(( spend the day at the dock unloading ships, while Tyke watches from above. During the day, Tyke discovers that the orc dock-master is accepting payments. Also, Rondax breaks a couple crates of Porcelain and the dock guards attempt to arrest both. Fortunately, both are able to escape with aid from Tyke and the bag of holding.

With JL and Rondax wanted for the damages, and Bono with a free room, the entire group moves to Red Clay Roof Inn, arriving at seperate times and acquiring separate rooms. JL and Herman room together with Rondax while Tyke and Prentice room together, leaving Sol and Bono in seperate rooms. Fortunately, the rooms are all close together.

Another Spider Visit

The group, specifically Sol are visited by Spiders once again while Tyke is out watching the docks.

  1. Round 1
    1. Spiders rip outside wall off of the inn and hit Sol with a ray of frost
  2. Round 2
    1. Sol grabs his sword and heads upstairs to the roof
    2. Rondax tails Sol.
    3. JL takes the time to don armor with help from Herman.
    4. Round3
    5. Bono hits the spiders with three stars from his Ring of Shooting Stars
    6. Prentice successfully dismisses the second spider.
    7. S1(1) Bolt of Lightning at Bono which missed. Then heads for the top of the inn.
    8. S3(1) Ray of Fire which also missed Bono, but sets the inn on fire.
    9. Sol makes it to the top of the steps.
    10. Rondax also makes it up the steps and bashes the door.
  3. Round 4
    1. Bono hits with a Ball of Lightning.
    2. Prentice summons a celestial hippogriff.
    3. S1 finishes smashing the door to the stairs and hits Rondax with 3 claw attacks, but misses with the bite.
    4. S3 misses Bono with a Ray of Frost
    5. JL begins to make his way to the roof.
    6. Sol gets two hits in on S1
    7. Rondax sets to parry incoming attacks.
  4. Round 5
    1. Bono casts Cat's Grace
    2. Prentice casts flamestrike for 39 points of damage.
    3. Hippogriff attacks S3, successfully hitting with 1 claw
    4. S1 attacks Sol
    5. S3 attacks Prentice with a gray beam requiring a fort save.
    6. JL heals Rondax
    7. Rondax heads back down the steps.
    8. Sol also retreats.
    9. Herman heals Sol.
  5. Round 6
    1. Bono tumbles through an AoA to critcally hit with shortsword and sneak attack dmg.
    2. Prentice casts spiritual weapon but misses.
    3. Hippogriff hit with both claws and beak.
    4. S1 Ray of fire at JL who saves for half dmg.
    5. S3 grabbed Bono
    6. Rondax charged S3, hits but falls to the ground.
    7. JL and Herman dimension door to the top of S1, but Herman fell off.
  6. Round 7
    1. Bono hits S3 and kills it. The Spider shatters, but Bono catches the edge of the room.
    2. Prentice heals Sol
    3. Hippogriff sets up a flanking position on S1
    4. S1 rears up in an attempt to dislodge JL but fails, attacks and kills the Hippogriff, then attacks Herman.
    5. Rondax jumps up the second floor.
    6. Herman escapes the spider and heads back to the steps.
    7. JL hits S1 with his warhammer.
    8. Sol charges S1.
  7. Round 8
    1. Bono moves up the stairs
    2. Prentice uses Divine power
    3. S1 Turns Sol to stone (the gray beam, very lousy roll by Sol), grabs him, and jumps from the building.
    4. Rondax makes it up the steps then jumps off the building following the spider.
    5. Herman throws a flask of Holy Water.
    6. JL is stunned
  8. Round 9
    1. Bono casts Feathery Flier and glides to stree level, landing on S1.
    2. Prentice casts Rock to Mud in front of S1.
    3. S1 wades forward into the mud attempting to throw Bono.
    4. Rondax follows the spider and hits.
    5. JL calls Winston, stands on his back and the two enter the mud.
    6. Herman starts collecting the group's equipment, saving it from the fire.
  9. Round 10
    1. Bono hits with two short swords.
    2. Prentice casts Wall of Stone at the edge of the mud, attempting to block the spider. Hits with the Spiritual weapon and jumps down.
    3. S1 sends two attacks against JL, knocking him into the mud, sends 1 attack against Rondax, and rears up but fails to throw Bono. It also sent a Ray of Fire at Winston which burned his skin and fur revealing a glowing white steed.
    4. Rondax hits with two attacks.
    5. JL stands up in the mud and delivers a single attack.
  10. Round 11
    1. Bono attempts to make three attacks but misses with each.
    2. Prentice casts Mass Cure on the group.
    3. S1 hits Rondax, hits Winston, failed to throw Bono, and sent another ray at Winston which missed.
    4. Rondax hits again.
    5. JL also lands a hit.
    6. Winston attempted to kick S1.
  11. Round 12
    1. Bono misses on all attacks.
    2. Prentice jumps in and hits with a club. The Spiritual weapon also hits.
    3. S1 begins climbing up the wall causing Bono to fall off, suffers AoA from each party member. Prentice and Rondax both hit which kills it.

2nd Spider Aftermath

After the battle was over, Prentice attempted to break the enchantment holding Sol but failed.

The orcish guard has arrived as well as Tyke. The orcs force the group to help the citizens put out the inn fire, while the orcs pull Sol from the mud and load him into a cart. He is joined by Bono and Tyke(invisible). The orcs attempt to knock out Bono, but their devious plan is noticed by both Bono and Tyke. Tyke fireballs the entire cart destroying it and killing the orcs. Bono and Tyke then load Sol into the Bag of Holding(Portable Hole).

The remainder of the group is put up at another inn by the orcs. The group notices the orc patrols around the inn while awaiting the return of Bono and Tyke. Once the entire group is back together, they Wind Walk(2) out of town, leaving Tyke behind at the original inn.

Tyke rents a scrying device from Felipe Redthorne then watches the docks again. While watching he learns a few interesting pieces of news:
He also makes note of a warehouse receiving a shipment of cloth that was cleared through customs with payment.

Prentice successfully frees Sol and hears the story from JL.

The Resistance Meeting

23rd (in game time): Franaxans are being rounded up by the orcs, most people seem willing to believe the Franaxan connection.

The group wind walks to the meeting place and wait in hiding until the attendees arrive. Before they're able to introduce themselves, the genius loci informs the attendees of the group's presence. The group becomes the topic of conversation due to the revelation that the orcs are using Demons and then spreading rumors that others are summoning the demons.

The resistance heard about the incident at the inn, but had no first hand reports.

The resistance reports that most of the Franaxans have been captured and jailed. Since Franaxa is the central church of the region, they have also been the center of the resistance. The resistance is also worried about the reports concerning the new state alchemist, which Bono reveals he has infiltrated.

The resistance reveals they have insiders at the court house. They also know that both Albrecht and son were hired by Gagnerians and then disappeared. They also know the approximate date for the arrival of the shipment. The orcs have hired additional alchemists and two interpretors of the Kawaneze language.

The resistance has few goals currently.

Ingrid is part of the resistance and present. She believes her father is dead. Wants to know why the group is here.

  1. S1 and S3 refer to Spider 1 and Spider 3 respectively
  2. I believe this was cast by Prentice.

Permalink: https://libraryofhighmoon.com/tiki/blogpost35-Spiders-Meeting-the-Resistance