
Flontara the Red

This solo character, played by pghkitten, is a Britigine fire elementalist of unknown origins. She initially appeared during Second Group's adventures in Talagrán, where she helped them escape from the emperor's coliseum. Since then, she has crossed paths with them regularly, and has gone on to have her own adventures as well.

Flontara frequently appears in disguise, but consistent aspects of her appearance suggest that she is a tall woman in her twenties or thirties. Her hair is either dull brown, pale blonde, or black with a red streak, and her eye color is are equally variable. She appears to have been careless with her fire magic in the past, for her arms are scarred.

This possible recklessness is not a surprise to those who have known her, because she has a tendency to display behavior that is not quite sane. She has told Second Group wild stories about her origins that include having mated with a wemic, given birth to a fire elemental, and had personal conversations with Britigit, and she claims to derive great pleasure from being burned (which might account for the scars). She has also displayed a disturbing zeal in carrying out missions of liberation for the Britigine Church, and is responsible for setting off a Fireball spell in the emperor's coliseum, killing nearly a hundred innocent people (footnote 1 here). However, in her travels with Second Group, Flontara has sometimes shown an odd tendency to become lucid at just the right moments, and some wonder if her insanity is just an act to hide something else.

During their initial meeting, Flontara seemed to take a romantic interest in Father Prentice Koresh, but it quickly faded into friendship. She also developed a strange camaraderie with Tyke that led her to request his assistance in a few of her own adventures. There is disagreement, however, about whether she qualifies as evil enough for him to sleep with.

Further Adventures

Second Group parted ways with Flontara in Ghantra City, where Baron Randolph–apparently displeased to find her adventuring with his nephew–used the ruse of offering her honorary citizenship to draft her into the Ghantran army. The Baron sent her to Tarsk, where General Armand Stormslayer assumed control of her and her powers. In the last few months of game time, Flontara (now under the alias of Alcestis Mathyngill) helped Second Group infiltrate the Calandians' infamous Redstone Keep to rescue an important prisoner, aided Tyke in rescuing his spelljamming lady friend from evil faeries in Irelia, and showed up unexpectedly while the group was visiting the Crypt of the Sun and Briswold in Ganlay.

Flontara has recently distanced herself from her original persona, and is representing herself as a Calandian actress named Gemma Halsey. She has been seen traveling with a Calandian man who seems to know her well by that name, so it may be that “Flontara” herself was just another disguise. She has also taken a cat as a familiar within the last few months.

Gemma Halsey's exploits in Briswold came to public knowledge recently when she participated in a wizard's duel with a well-known Academy professor, Doña Catalina de Merana. A subsequent Board of Trustees investigation revealed that she had apparently been engaging in the study of exotic magic, and in return for access to the Academy library's restricted section, had been called upon by a librarian to help track down a stolen grimoire. The testimonies of the librarian, several Academy instructors and students, and an Irelian nobleman cleared Gemma of all wrongdoing in her participation in the duel, and the Academy thanked her for helping to reveal Doña Merana's dark magical practices.


Flontara has interacted with Second Group in several different guises throughout her time on Kaerith.

Flontara the Red

She introduced herself to them in this persona, that of a militant Britigine fire elementalist who utilized terrorist tactics to fight oppression in Talagran.

Alcestis Mathyngill

Alcestis appeared after Flontara traveled to Tarsk to work under General Armand Stormslayer's command. Significantly different in appearance, Alcestis was a shorter, plump, sallow scholar who combined magic with skills at thievery.

Dame Sybil Narelius

This was the first persona Flontara took on that was demonstrably based on a real person. Tyke encountered her in the guise of this Calandian diplomat in the embassy in Blackmoor, Irelia. It is unknown why Flontara was playing the role of the ambassador.

Gemma Halsey

An actress with Santo Denora's classical troupe the Players Frost.

Created by blacksol. Last Modification: Saturday 25 of September, 2010 13:49:53 EDT by blacksol.


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