
Dol Geldar

The History of Dol Geldar.

Dol Geldar has risen and fallen throughout time. Clan Blackstar and Clan Steelbiter had been close since the beginning. They had always worked well together despite their differences at times. Clan Steelbiter ruled as a Thanedom, whereas Clan Blackstar ruled as a monarchy. There was a deep respect between the two cities and they often consulted each other when tough decisions were needed.

Many may wonder why Dol Geldar has come and gone as often as it has in the past. The reasons are many and vary with the times. The story of Dol Geldar is a long yet colorful one. Many dwarves have lost their lives in defense of Dol Geldar. The Blackstar clan is one of the oldest in the Dwarven nations and Dol Geldar one of the original Dwarven city-states. Originally it was both a trading center between the human lands in the east and the rest of the Dwarven city-states and an outpost to the Unorganized Territories in the south. Other Dwarven city-states would sent their goods to Dol Geldar where the human merchants would come to trade their wares.

That was many, many generations ago. Dol Geldar prospered in the times of peace, but as an outpost was one of the first under attack in times of war. The trading came to a standstill as the humans became embrittled in a war amongst themselves, as humans are prone to doing. Dol Geldar withered with this loss of trade. The red-ore in its mines was still too difficult to work to be profitable. Clan Blackstar was faced with a difficult decision, one that could alter their city's life forever.They could either remain at Dol Geldar and suffer or turn to the brethren at Copperwell for aid.

It came to pass that Clan Blackstar and their followers all moved to Copperwell. They closed up their houses, allowed their fires to burn out, and hid their mines. They packed everything they owned and began the six month ordeal to Copperwell. Five thousand dwarves left Dol Geldar that spring, yet only four thousand five hundred arrived at Copperwell late that autumn. They arrived to a festival of welcoming with all of Copperwell coming out to welcome the arrival of Dol Geldar.

The transition for Clan Blackstar and the rest of Dol Geldar was not an easy one. While Clan Blackstar became an advising party to Thane Steelbiter of Copperwell, they were no longer in control of their own lives or the lives of their followers. The people of Dol Geldar quickly moved into their new homes, an abandoned mine that had been reopened for the new arrivals. The people of Dol Geldar were grateful for the new home and a chance to get back to work.

Over the years, a few families that were from Dol Geldar moved out into the rest of Copperwell, merging with Clan Steelbiter. Those that remained with Clan Blackstar continues to send a group of dwarves out to Dol Geldar every decade or so to maintain the city and to mine the red-ore. They were determined to learn the secrets of smithing the rare metal. Over the next few generations, they learned many secrets about the ore. It soon became apparent that only a fire blessed by the gods would burn hot enough to smith the metal properly. As an extra precaution,those from Dol Geldar would only cool the metal in blessed water.

At first these items remained within the possession of Clan Blackstar and their followers. Then, slowly, the other clans learned that items made from this red-ore lasted longer and were stronger than items made of other metals. The Anvil of Deepflame and the Hammer of Blackstar were the first two items created after learning the secrets of the red-ore. The anvil was in remembrance to the great god who many believed revealed the secret of the metal. Both of these items were blessed by the High Cleric of Deepflame and inscribed with ancient runes of the Three Gods of the Land. These items were symbols of pride and honor among Clan Blackstar and their followers. Thereafter,every item created from the red-ore was smithed and shaped using these tools. The other clans soon became jealous of Blackstar's prowess with the red metal. They all had stores of their own, but none could match the feats of Clan Blackstar. Those dwarves privileged enough to learn the secrets of smithing the red-ore were bound by honor to keep that secret.

With this skill Clan Blackstar gained favor with Clan Steelbiter as the dwarves of Copperwell were Clan Blackstar's greatest trade partners. Flint Blackstar, father of Ironhead Blackstar and grandfather to Tycus Blackstar, forged a hammer for the Steelbiter clan. This hammer, forged from the red-ore, in laid with Copperwell's seal in gold and silver, still resides with Thane Steelbiter. The workmanship of the hammer is still revered by all dwarves who have laid eyes on it. Its beauty puts the finest craft men's work to shame. It was with this hammer that Flint secured Clan Blackstar's continual welcome in Copperwell.The Thanes of Copperwell have passed this hammer down from Thane to Thane as a reminder to the clan of Clan Blackstar's generosity and thanks. The two clans vowed to stand side by side throughout time, in the face of any adversary.

The clans lived in harmony from that time on. Clan Steelbiter was no longer jealous of Blackstar's ability to smith the red-ore. There was no need for it, as their land was already filled with items made from the precious metal. Every weaponsmith in both clans were using anvils and hammers made from this impenetrable metal. The other dwarven clans spent centuries searching for the secret to the red ore, but none had even thought of the fire as the first place to start. They all respected Clan Blackstar and Dol Geldar too much to go raiding the mountains surrounding Dol Geldar in search of the red-ore.

So went the three generations between Flint and Tycus Blackstar. Clan Blackstar continued to mine the red-ore and prepare the items that others wanted from the red-ore. Tycus realized that Clan Blackstar could no longer remain at Copperwell.The peace during the last 3 generations had allowed both clans to grow in size and the demand for the red-iron had increased to the point that there was almost always a group at DolGeldar mining. King Tycus met with Thane Steelbiter to discuss the re-establishment of Dol Geldar. Thane Steelbiter agreed completely with Tycus, an unwanted but necessary occurrence that both had been expecting for some time. Spring was just about to bloom, and Clan Blackstar began packing everything they owned along with many gifts from Clan Steelbiter. Clan Blackstar departed from Copperwell with tears of joy and grief the day after the festival welcoming spring.

So began the final stages of the story of Dol Geldar. There's not much more we can tell at this time. Tycus Blackstar set out from Copperwell for Dol Geldar. A journey of some six months with the many wagons and oxen that carried their belongings. Tycus left with 3500 dwarves following him. Not as many as had originally journeyed from Dol Geldar to Copperwell, but all had vowed to serve Tycus until death. Another 1000 dwarves, those too old, young or sick to travel, remained at Copperwell under Thane Steelbiter's care.

Clan Blackstar made it safely to Dol Geldar. They quickly started their fires to warm their hearts, hearths and homes. Immediately they set to work on repairing the minor damages to their homes and checking the mines. Their homes secured, their fires roaring, the miners at work; all within the first month of their return to Dol Geldar.

Created by blacksol. Last Modification: Sunday 18 of January, 2009 01:50:15 EST by blacksol.
