2009 Halloween Session General Information >  Halloween Sessions

2009 Halloween

The Halloween Session this year was broken into three separate groups.

Friday October 16

Stacie - Flontara the Red
Wendy - Nara Dillis - Alternate Reality
Nick - Farok Lastborn
Laz - Scorpion

Friday October 23

Dan Kidder - Harold
Rena Kidder - Dia
Justin - Bono Fosbury
Geoff - Locke Coell
Chuck - Sol Blackstar

Saturday October 24


A human/dwarven city in Irelia.


Somone in the city is marketing in onyx. This is against both the laws of the land and the beliefs of the Dwarven race. Dwarves, when properly buried, turn into onyx. The resulting statues are called Onyx Thanes and when uncovered, are revered by dwarven kind. The group needs to put the city at ease. This will most likely involved determining the source of the onyx and neutralizing it.

The onyx comes from Theros Steelbiter, a dwarf buried alive in the catacombs by High Priest Selman of the Dwarven god Rorun Ethus Keeperstone. This left Theros in a half-dead state, unable to find the final rest due all dwarves. No reasonable dwarf would bury another dwarf alive.

Created by blacksol. Last Modification: Tuesday 09 of March, 2010 16:50:21 EST by nickwedig.